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[1.9.x - 1.12.x] BDArmory Plus (BDA+) v1.7.1.0 [2024-09-04]


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On 7/28/2024 at 6:29 PM, Av8tor8a said:

Last question for a while, but is there any particular reason why the reactive armor isn't adjustable? I'm trying to build a modernized Ratte now, I'm not about to spend an hour placing countless ERA segments.

I'm not sure, I've never used it, possibly it's just underdeveloped. @SuicidalInsanity would have to comment on this.


On 7/29/2024 at 7:46 AM, loxeban228 said:

I have a problem. Every time I fly a plane for long periods of time, the fuel tanks start burning and eventually explode. I know this is due to BDA's fire system but I don't want to disable it, how can I stop my engine and fuel tanks from overheating?

Use fuel inerting on the fuel tanks (an option near the bottom of the part window). You lose a bit of space for fuel, but it shouldn't self-ignite.

If the burning is due to the fuel tanks being made of wood, then make them out of something else.


4 hours ago, Engineer356 said:

Will you add new weapons for space with that new orbital so module?

There's a number of unusual weapons in BDArmory-Extended that might do what you want. Additionally, one of the devs is working on some alternative missiles to the HEKV.


On 7/29/2024 at 5:49 PM, takename7 said:

How to set guidance duration to missile, i dont like it to immidiately blow up after loosing lock. I would like to give some missile datalink ability.

The grace period for disabling the guidance due to having missed is a combination of the droptime and turning rate of the missile. There's also additional checks for not making any progress.

bool pastGracePeriod = TimeIndex > ((vessel.LandedOrSplashed ? 0f : dropTime) + Mathf.Clamp(maxTurnRateDPS / 15, 1, 8));
if ((pastGracePeriod && targetBehindMissile) || noProgress) // Check that we're not moving away from the target after a grace period

This only kicks in once the missile has come within 400m of the target, is in the post-thrust phase, or is more than 1km behind the target.

Edited by DocNappers
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'guidance duration' (or, more accurately, the timeout between losing a lock and the missile self-destructing) can be set in a missile config by adding [radarTimeout = n] with n being your desired time, in seconds.
Alternatively, you could mod the [activeRadarRange] down to a lower range to give the missile  Semi-Active Radar Homing where it's being guided by the launching craft's on-board radar for at least part of the way.

ERA in BDA is underdeveloped, yes. The .5x1m ERA brick part in BDA is mostly there as a techdemo demonstrator part. As to why it can't be scaled like the proc armor panels is mainly due to how ERA is configured and setup, model wise - it's comprised of multiple sub segment meshes which means you can't just scale the model (unless you want massive ERA segments).

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On 8/8/2024 at 5:07 PM, SuicidalInsanity said:

ERA in BDA is underdeveloped, yes. The .5x1m ERA brick part in BDA is mostly there as a techdemo demonstrator part. As to why it can't be scaled like the proc armor panels is mainly due to how ERA is configured and setup, model wise - it's comprised of multiple sub segment meshes which means you can't just scale the model (unless you want massive ERA segments).

Ah, that makes sense.

Edited by Av8tor8a
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26 minutes ago, CalvonVulcan said:

so the tsar bomba doesnt do any damage, any idea how to fix?


Seems the tsar bomb you mentioned is not a official part of BDA+, but if you just want to make a nuclear bomb,  you may try add these code in the part config of tsar, right before the last " } ".

		name = BDModuleNuke
		thermalRadius = 900 //clamps AoE to a max of this distance
		yield = 1.5// yield, in kilotons
		fluence = 1.5 //thermal bloom modifier, reduce for less toasty nukes
		isEMP = true // does this generate an EMP
		reportingName = W-25 Warhead //weapon name that appears in competition log
		//initial flash
		flashModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/nuke/nukeFlash
		shockModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/nuke/nukeShock
		blastModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/nuke/nukeBlast
		 //mushroom cloud stalk
		plumeModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/nuke/nukePlume
		//ground scatter
		debrisModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/nuke/nukeScatter
		blastSoundPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/nuke/nukeBoom

The code I quote here  is from AIR-2 missile, you may edit it as your wish( or as Tsar bomb in reality)

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/2/2024 at 3:21 AM, 117StinkBug said:

How could I make a ballistic missile? I'm trying to model a Polaris, and I'm not entirely sure as to how I can get it to have the desired flightpath.

Have a read of https://github.com/BrettRyland/BDArmory/wiki/1.2.5-Missile-configuration and take a look at some of the missiles in https://github.com/BrettRyland/BDArmory-Extended/tree/main/BDArmoryExtended/Parts/Missiles. If you still can't get it to have the flightpath you want, you should probably ask BillNyeTheIE (he wrote most of that wiki entry), SuicidalInsanity or someone else here.

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On 9/3/2024 at 2:33 PM, DocNappers said:

Have a read of https://github.com/BrettRyland/BDArmory/wiki/1.2.5-Missile-configuration and take a look at some of the missiles in https://github.com/BrettRyland/BDArmory-Extended/tree/main/BDArmoryExtended/Parts/Missiles. If you still can't get it to have the flightpath you want, you should probably ask BillNyeTheIE (he wrote most of that wiki entry), SuicidalInsanity or someone else here.

Will do, Thanks!

BTW, would it be possible to make a system that reloads missile rails when a craft is landed and stopped?

P.S. The wiki doesn't have anything for ICBM/Ballistic missiles, it just says "todo"

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  • 4 weeks later...

Heya. New BDA user here. Currently trying to change the ordnance on the twin-mount missile rail part from its default AIM-120 missiles, but no matter what I try, it just won't change. I placed the missile I want on the bottom attachment node as instructed, but it didn't work. I even used a single rail to see if that worked either, but no joy.

Can anyone help me on this?

Addendum (Sept. 27):
I am also currently experimenting with the Deployable Missile Pod (Reloading) and the Ordinance Magazine parts, but the magazine isn't accepting any missiles that I have attached to it directly, and as a result, the deployable missile pod won't fire. What am I doing wrong?

Edited by FarenhiteGR64
Additional issues found with missile reloading systems
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