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(KSP 1.10 + 1.12 ) Mission Controller Updated - BETA


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This great mod was written by forum user @malkuth, back in the day.  It's been kept updated, but he hasn't been active, and when I found some issues with it I offered to adopt it, he has graciously agreed.  Original thread is here:  https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/40183-ksp-110-112-mission-controller-320-final-version-updated-6252021/


Mission Controller 3.3

Build Your Own Contracts In Career Mode



Quick Summery Of What Mission Controller Does.

1. You can Build your own contracts in game using the Mission Controller Mission Builder.. All in game.  Want to send 6 kerbals to Duna?  Well make a contract and than send it to the Finance committee and see a company pick up your mission and pay you!

2. Satellite missions.  Mission Controller has its own satellite missions that give you a lot more investment into doing them.  Set up your satellites to your customers demands..  Than launch them into space, if you set up your satellite correctly you get paid!  The missions themselves include many tpyes, including Setting up a Network of Satellites.

3. Mission controller has its own science parts!  Ion Scanner and Spectrometer Scanner.  And a Repair panel.

4. Repair Contracts.  Sending up all those satellites and than forgetting them?  Well mission controller fixes this issue by giving you repair contracts from customers to fix deployed satellites.  

5. Repair Station contracts: Those stations also can have issues arise.. Now you can get contracts to EVA on your station to conduct repairs.. Just like real life NASA and International Space Station!

6. Rover Missions + Early Campaign missions to help offset early game.

7. Disable vanilla Contracts for they don't show up, to help clean up your contracts.. Than bring them back later if you want!

8. Revert have you down.. Does it feel like cheating?  Well mission controller has its own revert button that cost you money to use.. Don't feel guilty about using revert ever again.  Its based off % cost of your total vessel cost!


Build Your Own Contracts In Career Mode


Build Your Own Contracts In Career Mode

New With 2.0!y0UQkbU.png

Five different types of  contracts you can build yourself inside the game while Playing Kerbal Space Program Supports the Making History Expansion Pack!  Custom Contracts work on the premise that your not waiting for a contract from a company to show up in Mission Control, your yourself are writing a contract and a Company will eventually accept and fund your expedition for you!  That is the whole point of Custom Contracts, it's  not free money but Funding for the expedition Type of your choice!  Lets Go!

Vvjvnqm.png Made for your RemoteTech Needs. Just select the Orbital Periods you launch and turn on the contract and they will show up in your Mission control Center.

iHdr3Yd.png Have a Life Support Mod? Or other type of resource mod? Use this contract to make custom missions to supply your stations with the supplies they need. Mission controller can support any supply added by any mod. If its not part of mission controller now, you can add it yourself by editing the Mission Controller Config file.

0PvQoZG.png Need to have a crew on the station or base. Mission Controllers Custom Crew Expedition allows you to set up crew rotations to your bases and space stations! NEW You can

now add civilians to this contract.  Bring civilians to your stations and bases and make extra money!!

 Rn2fLUC.png Decide where you want to go any planet any moon.. Landing or Orbit.  And someone just might fund your expedition for you. NEW You can now add civilians to this contract type, bring civilians to orbits of other planets or have them land with you.  Start a New touring business around the Kerbol System!  Oh ya you make extra funds for this service.. Have fun!

New In 3.0 Custom Base Contracts (WIP)







How To Do Satellite Contracts  Whats Frequencies? And Module Types etc.

When you accept a Contract for MCE Satellites you will have to set up your satellites to be the correct type in VAB.

1. First Set your Satellite Type:  Use the Slider Bar after right clicking on any selected Probe Body:

Choice 0: = Communication:

Choice 1: = Navigation:

Choice 2: = Weather:

Choice 3: = Research:

2. Select your Module Type the contract will specify a number just use the slider to select the right number.

3. Select your Frequency: Use the slider to select the correct frequency that the contract is asking you to select.


Its important to set up your probe to the specifications that the contract ask you too.  When you get to Space and orbit and correct orbit contract ask, you can than select the option to Transmit to Customer the satellite.  Follow the directions.. Good luck.

These new contract types also bring many flavors of objectives. One of the main objectives is to deliver a single satellite to either Polar Orbit Or more common KeoStationary orbit.

Core Adjustments in VAB

All MCE fuctions are now built into Satellite Parts of KSP.   Mission  controller no longer has custom parts for this.  Should be able to be used on all remote Parts (Mods if using Modulemanager)

 To get these working you  need to set up a Module type that the Customer wants installed into the core. You can adjust these inside the VAB with Tweakables via right clicking on the already placed part.

You also need to set a Frequency that the contract requires. You can do this the same way with a tweakable while inside the VAB and right clicking the part.

Start Data Linkup

This is an objective of these types of contracts. Once you get the vessel into the Objective orbit and you have the correct Module installed and Frequency you can right click on the part while in flight and complete this object by pressing the "Start Data Linkup"

Keep A Line Of Sight Of Ground Station (Transmit while over Specific Ground Station)

This is an objective that works very similar to the Default KSP Keostationary contract the only difference is that the ground station is connected via Frequency you set previously while building your satellite. this is important only a satellite with the right frequency can establish a link with the target ground station and finish this objective.


You can only set the frequency and module type while in the VAB. You cannot change these while in flight. If you get the wrong settings you will have to launch a new vessel.

Also be aware that a Satellite core can only do 1 Data Link download. They cannot be reused for other missions. So make sure the settings are correct.


The big daddy of satellite contracts. The network contract requires you to launch 6 Satellites and build a network around kerbin. All 6 satellites work the same way as the above Single Contract Missions. They all require Satellite cores (all the same) Satellite Modules (again all the same) and finally Frequencies. Every satellite has a different frequency set to a different Ground Station. You must set each satellite to the correct frequency while in the VAB. You can also launch Multiple satellites at the same time. But make sure your not setting the Frequencies while in Symmetry mode! Do not place Satellite cores down in Symmetry mode either or every time you change a frequency the others will change also!

Ground Stations

There are 6 ground stations added by mission controller. They split kerbin up into 4 quadrants on the equator and 2 quadrants on the poles. While a contract is active or available these GroundStations will show up in the map view via KSP FinePrint Icons. All ground stations are located in the same place and are named. While in flight you can see ground stations that are assigned to your contract in flightMode.


The science Contracts offered by Mission Controller consist of:


onization Scan of Orbit

You must load you vessel with the Mission Controller Part Ionization Chamber and launch a vessel to the Target Celestial body the contract requires. When you arrive in orbit you can conduct the Ionization Scan to complete the contract and get some Science! The scanner takes a little while to conduct its studies so just wait for the timer to run down and the contract will complete.


Land And Conduct Mass Spectrometry Analysis

You must build an Unmanned lander and place the mission controller Part Mass Spectrometry Tube and launch your vessel to the target celestial body and land. Once landed you can conduct a Mass Spectrometry Scan to finish the mission. the scanner takes a little while to conduct it's studies so just wait for the timer to run down and the contract will complete.

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One of the last parts that Mission Controller adds is what is called the Repair Panel. This panel is a required part for most Satellite type missions. Once enough satellites are in space satellites have a random chance of breaking. If this is the case a repair contract will pop up giving you an option to launch to the satellite and conduct repairs. All you need for these missions is an Engineer kerbal. Once you reach the satellite EVA your Engineer and head to the Repair panel that is attached to your Satellite or Station. Open it up and select the option to Test the system. After this is complete conduct repairs to finish the contract.

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How To Setup Your Satellites:  Satellite Type: Core Type: And Frequencies


How To Setup Your Satellites:  Satellite Type: Core Type: And Frequencies



How To Finish Mission Controller Satellite Contracts Correctly! 


How To Finish Mission Controller Satellite Contracts Correctly! 




Will be added to CKAN as an update of the old version when the beta is complete


Changes by LGG

  • Fixed nullref by MissionControllerEc being instantiated at the MainMenu
  • Fixed MissionControllerEC.Instance returning itself
  • Added the SetDifficultyPreset in the settings CuttomParemeterNode(s)
  • Added window to make the planet selection into a new window
  • Fixed Toolbar button not being cleared after clicking the Exit button
  • Fixed ArgumentOutOfRangeException when no bases or stations available and either the ""Launch Crew to a Station" or "Resupply Resources to a Station" was selected
  • Added check to make sure the count of number of Kerbals/Tourists not go less than the minimum
  • Fixed spelling of "skiped" to "skipped"
  • Added instantiation of System.Random rnd into SaveInfo
  • Removed all other local "System.Random rnd"
  • Removed all references to SeedGenerator since it wasn't used anywhere
  • Disabled the _random in the Tools.cs
  • Replaced the one reference to _random with SafeInfo.rnd
  • Fixed spelling of Satellie  to Satellite in Log.Info statements
  • Fixed spelling of OnDestroye to OnDestroy in MissionControllerEC
  • Removed old paragraph from README.md regarding 64 bit KSP
  • Disabled the MCEDebugMode in the Settings page, since it wasn't being used anywhere
  • Replaced all "Debug." statements with the equivilent "Log." from SpaceTuxLibrary to reduce noise in the log
  • Modified BodySelection.cs to use the ClickThroughBlocker
  • Replaced code to add and remove the stock toolbar buttons with the ToolbarController
  • Added local build scripts
  • Added pre/post build actions to build the assembly info and to run the deploy script
  • Added InstallChecker
  • Added AssemblyVersion.tt
  • Reorganized release directory
    • Moved data into PluginData
    • Moved toolbar images into PluginData
    • Moved DLL into Plugins
    • Modified code to load files correctly
  • Cleaned up some more log spam
  • Changed GameSwitchChange from double to int, since it is only used in a single switch 


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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New beta,

  •     Disabled the mod in non-career and non-science games
  •     Fixed canceling revert left button enabled, requiring 2 clicks next time
  •     Added removal of the onGameSwitchRequested events to the OnDestroy method
  •     Removed need for static Instance by making two methods in instructions.cs anda variable static
  •     Removed need for the SatelliteContracts.cs to instantiate a MissionControllerEC class
  •     Seperated code for each customContract into it's own file,
  •     Separated code for each PopUpGUI into it's own file
  •     Added Transmit/Exit button to all dialogs
  •     Added check to only have the transmit buttons enabled when data is filled out
  •     Added check for orbit height to be at least 1000m above atmosphere (or surface if no atmo)

Edit:  Beta was updated 8/29, file was not released previously

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  • 6 months later...

I'm trying to use this in conjunction with RemoteTech, and I'm starting to think there's some sort of compatibility bug between these mods. The button for linking up satellites once you have them in orbit is missing on the probe core. I've triple-checked that the MC Data settings are all correct, but I just flat out don't have the button to finalize the contract, and the satellite panel won't open either. I've run these missions WITHOUT RemoteTech installed, and had no difficulties, so that's my best guess for what's breaking things.

No idea if you're planning to get any further updates out for this, but if you are, maybe you can fix this. :)

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  • 1 month later...

I'm having the same issue as utoxin.  The mc control panel wont open during flight, so no way to finalise the contract.  I am also using Remotetech in my playthrough.  Many thanks to Malkuth for the original mod, and to you Linuxgurugamer, you care for so many mods on here now.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 10 months later...
  • 4 months later...

I'll note that none of y'all have actually posted a bug report with logs, possibly reproduction steps, modlist, etc., so that's probably why it looks "dead". :)

MC works fine for the most part in my game. I did also run into the issue with the satellite not connecting once - I just completed the contract in the Alt+F12 menu though and moved on. If I run into it again, I'd be willing to do a bug report if nobody else has at that point.

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