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[1.12.x] Parallax - PBR Terrain and Surface Objects [2.0.8]


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After installing Parallax, planets turn white when I zoom in - maybe this video will show what I mean. I've included my ksp.log; hopefully someone can help me out with this. When I remove the Parallax, Parallax_StockTextures, and Tessellation folders from my GameData folder, the issue goes away; that's why I think it's something with one of those mods. Any help would be greatly appreciated, since I really do love the added immersion the Parallax mod adds to the game; it's quite possibly the best visual mod I've come across.

Thank you guys in advance!

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I am loving this mod; the uneven Terrain in really makes me think about my rovers!  However, I have the breaking ground DLC and I am trying to find surface features, does anyone know of a difference between parallax and surface features?

Thank you!

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On 3/18/2021 at 12:06 AM, Zensei said:

After installing Parallax, planets turn white when I zoom in - maybe this video will show what I mean. I've included my ksp.log; hopefully someone can help me out with this. When I remove the Parallax, Parallax_StockTextures, and Tessellation folders from my GameData folder, the issue goes away; that's why I think it's something with one of those mods. Any help would be greatly appreciated, since I really do love the added immersion the Parallax mod adds to the game; it's quite possibly the best visual mod I've come across.

Thank you guys in advance!

After some trial and error, I found the issue. KSP updated very recently, so it seems as thought my version of Kopernicus was out of date. I installed KopernicusBE_19+_Release81 from this site, and everything seems to be working now.

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14 hours ago, Zensei said:

After some trial and error, I found the issue. KSP updated very recently, so it seems as thought my version of Kopernicus was out of date. I installed KopernicusBE_19+_Release81 from this site, and everything seems to be working now.

If you only have parallax installed, you might want to switch to regular Kopernicus to get a more stable experience, since Kopernicus now support all versions up to 1.11.2


On 3/18/2021 at 6:20 AM, Stsam said:

I am loving this mod; the uneven Terrain in really makes me think about my rovers!  However, I have the breaking ground DLC and I am trying to find surface features, does anyone know of a difference between parallax and surface features?

Thank you!

Breaking ground's surface features are just a point of interest here and there, e.g. a volcano or a pile of rock.

Parallax, however, enhanced the whole surface texture. It used to be only visual, but it now adds physical height variety.

When parallax is installed, surface features still spawn and can be analyzed as usual, but there is no additional science stuff.

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I downloaded through CKAN, and through that there is no way to get the extras. 

Where can I get the disabled Minmus collisions patch?

EDIT: I need to change the ParallaxGlobal.cfg settings right? also why u bully me.... i can build planes

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7 hours ago, Spaceman.Spiff said:

I downloaded through CKAN, and through that there is no way to get the extras. 

Where can I get the disabled Minmus collisions patch?

In parallax's config file, there is a line toward the bottom called flatMinmus, I think that's the option you are looking for. It's in gamedata/parallax/config/ParallaxGlobal.cfg

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I have trouble in KSP 1.11.2 , textures look white and blank (similar to what Zensei seemed to experience).
I use the latest version of kopernicus stable and parallax.

It works fine if I copy the  kopernicus and parallax folder into my old KSP 1.11.1 installation.

Did the 1.11.2. update break something? Does someone has an idea what to do to fix it?

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11 minutes ago, Alioth81 said:

I have trouble in KSP 1.11.2 , textures look white and blank (similar to what Zensei seemed to experience).
I use the latest version of kopernicus stable and parallax.

It works fine if I copy the  kopernicus and parallax folder into my old KSP 1.11.1 installation.

Did the 1.11.2. update break something? Does someone has an idea what to do to fix it?

I had the same problem when I used JNSQ, are you using JNSQ?

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A modder can't live on praise alone, but it surely can't hurt!  This is all stunning work.  It reminds me a lot of when Scatterer first popped up, where there were a lot of issues but over time he figured most of them out.  I didn't even see this until 1.2 beta, and it's crazy what you've been able to accomplish.

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6 minutes ago, mazer924 said:

So I have installed Parallax and to my disappointment, it causes the game to crash. I'm playing on 1.10.1

parallax 1.2.x works only on KSP 1.11.x

I suggest downgrading parallax to 1.1b, or updating  KSP to 1.11.2 (most mod have been updated by now)

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1 hour ago, mazer924 said:

Thanks, it works now but I have a question now. Is it supposed to look like this? I mean the gap between the terrain and the vessel.

Assuming you are now on parallax 1.1b, it is because collisions are not yet implemented yet in that version, the stock collider still applies. You might be able to change the terrain's offset in Parallax_StockTextures' configs (I am not sure).

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16 hours ago, rdwulfe said:

I was unable to find any info... is this compatible with/does this effect anything on Outer Planets Mod planets?


I have both Parallax Stock and OPM. The two do not affect each other at all. Go for it :)


Also an FYI for anyone reading this: I noticed that Parallax 1.2.2 is on GitHub. 

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You mentioned that it would be difficult to have arbitrary shapes interact with the parallax system.  However, there are some parts which probably could be included that aren't and might be expected to be: science deployables.  I'm going to feel like a jerk for writing this, since I would prefer to test this myself instead of fire off a "this should work" and wander off, but I'm not set up for KSP modding.  I can only prostrate myself and beg your forgiveness (for the record I gave it a shot, but the setup guide only got me to 1191 type errors and I'm fighting both VS and KSP knowledge).  That said,  looking over ParallaxCollision.c you have a block which tests if the vessel is a single part and if that part is a Kerbal.  Thus, extending line 165 to include a test for deployables should give favorable results?

if (vessel.parts[0].isKerbalEVA() == true || vessel.parts[0].isGroundDeployable() == true)

Again, I apologize for not testing it myself. I hate to offer drive-by coding advice. I'll probably still see if I can get it set up, but I am hoping it's just that easy to add those parts.

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Well, that was a waste of time :P.  I resolved all the conflicts and was able to update and recompile the DLL.  Problem is, apparently the instruments already float to the surface.  I assume that is your doing because the issue ends up being that when you go to place the instruments they claim to be an on an illegal spot.  However, if you walk around and spam the space bar you can usually find some location that will allow placement.  Once on the ground, if you bump them they'll just rise to the surface.  Neat.  So the trouble is just getting them placed in the first place, otherwise it can already find the offset and makes all that work on my end pointless.  Huzzah!  It seems like placement is "bugged" in this case.  I might take a stab at fixing that but given how useless my original efforts were, I figure it's best to ask if you have any thoughts on that first.  Is this a known problem?  Are they supposed to float to the surface?

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8 hours ago, Hyomoto said:

Well, that was a waste of time :P.  I resolved all the conflicts and was able to update and recompile the DLL.  Problem is, apparently the instruments already float to the surface.  I assume that is your doing because the issue ends up being that when you go to place the instruments they claim to be an on an illegal spot.  However, if you walk around and spam the space bar you can usually find some location that will allow placement.  Once on the ground, if you bump them they'll just rise to the surface.  Neat.  So the trouble is just getting them placed in the first place, otherwise it can already find the offset and makes all that work on my end pointless.  Huzzah!  It seems like placement is "bugged" in this case.  I might take a stab at fixing that but given how useless my original efforts were, I figure it's best to ask if you have any thoughts on that first.  Is this a known problem?  Are they supposed to float to the surface?

I'm working on patch 1.2.3 which will address a lot of bugs surrounding the collisions. It will also introduce smoothing at low speeds so that sudden changes in height don't massively affect the craft. This smoothing decreases with speed, but this should allow for faster travel across harsh environments without risk of suddenly flying into the air :) 

I'm also addressing the experiment deployment height being too low

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I think I was on an older version of Parallax and that's why I thought the experiments were still sunk.  I first tried this at 1.2 but apparently missed the 1.2.1 and 1.2.2 updates and hadn't played with the experiments since then.  They are still troublesome, they don't always rise properly, but it sounds like you are already on the case which is exciting.  I may not have done anything useful but I guess I learned how to set Visual Studio up for KSP (the forum post is out-of-date, it says use .NET 3.5 but Kopernicus was compiled against 4.7.2, etc...).

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Awesome Mod, great work, this brings so much more joy to exploring ksp!
I have noticed some troubles when using TweakScale'd wheels with the Parallax collision. Especially the TR-2L Ruggedized Wheels, when scaled to 200%, somehow clip into the terrain, but at the same time the wheel surface doesn't seem to get any traction. The craft can barely move (not even with engine power) but the wheels spin freely. I have tried other wheels, scaled up or down and got mixed results, some work, some have the same problem, though downscaling usually isn't a problem.

Let me know if you think this rather belongs in the TweakScale thread.

(Screenshot of a sample craft: https://drive.google.com/file/d/172bpDlVHwkuU77L_uwkSfIrufqm_R3B4/view?usp=sharing)

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