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Help to make an add-on to add USI Life support Supply resource to crewed parts


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I'm trying to make a simple add-on that just adds the supply resource to all crewed parts. OPT spaceplane parts already has this at a certain ratio of the resource to crew capacity in the part. I changed the ratio in the OPT config files to something I felt was more balanced (by default it's very low), which worked just fine. But for some reason even directly modifying a stock part config such as:

        name = USI_ModuleResourceWarehouse
        name = Supplies
        amount = 100
        maxAmount = 100

this doesn't seem to work. Any help? Ideally I'd like to configure it simply to add 50 supplies per crew spot to all command/crewed parts. But I'm fine with manually configuring every crew part in my game.

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16 minutes ago, Chrisomega123 said:

50 supplies per crew spot to all command/crewed parts

Hi there. You want something like this. Should work just fine.

	%MODULE[USI_ModuleResourceWarehouse] {}
		%amount = 50
		@amount *= #$/CrewCapacity$
		%maxAmount = 50
		@maxAmount *= #$/CrewCapacity$

You need to have a pass modifier to help the patch to know when exactly to be run (that's the :AFTER[ModName] bit). Your patches can be greatly simplified by targeting a key and using MM math processes on its value or if its value is true: "For every part that has crew capacity > 0, declare Supplies amounts and multiply these by the crew capacity." Finally, the % prefix means "If it exists, edit it. If it doesn't exist, create it. The value within [] there belongs to the name key"

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