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Mods in KSP2


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We don't know yet, and likely won't for a while because it was announced that multiplayer and modding would both be implemented in the future. We got early access releasing Feb 24th, you might have missed it.

Also, both games are in Unity, so modding should be pretty familiar to ones who are experienced. However, the way that KSP2 functions would probably mean that mods built for KSP1 can't be chucked onto KSP2 and simply work.

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10 minutes ago, Watermel00n said:

Hello. I am wondering if the software of KSP 1 and KSP 2 is different from each other. Could mods such as ModuleManager work with the program of KSP 2?  Or would they have to be remade from ground up? Thanks.

KSP 2 uses all new code, so plugins like MM will more than likely have to be remade from the ground up. Parts mods will definitely need to be remade as KSP 2 uses new PBR textures, which none of the KSP 1 mods support atm. Config files will also probably have to be remade as the setup/code for KSP 2 will more than likely be different then KSP 1.

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