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Sea plane parts.

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I think there should be parts to land and launch seaplanes. This would be useful for massive craft that need a super long runway, and it would be very Kerbal to have 100 little float things(what are those called I forgot?) On a massive SSTO.

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1 hour ago, Ryaja said:

I thought there was a more technical term but I might be mistaken, pontoons maybe?



a floatplane has floats or pontoons which serve as the surfaces to land on and take off from


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  • 3 weeks later...

Definetively must have, but I would extend that desire to naval parts in general. What I would really like to see is a better fluid dynamics, with different buoyancy levels in different worlds.

It gave me an idea, a frozen world with underground oceans like Enceladus would be awesome . But I might be pushing this topic to far, sorry.

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