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Better kerbal ideas

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Here’s some ideas that would improve kerbals

1. A 4 kerbal pod that is similar to the orion capsule and other new capsules 

2. Better  eva science experiments. In the stock game science kits only have 1 eva experiment per planet. It would be  nice to have more experiments that could be done. Maybe some science experiments would require more than one kerbal to perform 

3. Animated interactions with other kerbals. Stuff like waving, High fives.  stuff like that would make them feel more alive.

4. Eva following. Other Kerbals can follow you. There could be multiple modes like follow or follow right next to you 

5. Better inventory. You could carry heavier stuff with more kerbals which would be useful in building bases and space stations 

Give me more ideas in the comments 


Edited by THE_KERBAL
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