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eva tips


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Welcome to the forum @Weather:happy:

I lost many kerbals to space while learning the trick to EVA. As soon as your kerbal exits the capsule click on the vessel you wish to board and "select as target" in the tab above the navball. Then you just need to keep your prograde marker :prograde: lined up with the pink target marker :targetpro: and keep an eye on the approach speed. You will need to adjust a little as you approach and try to get your speed to around 1m/s when you are very close to your target.

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I always struggle with the camera perspective on EVA. I try to line it up so I'm looking past my guy at the target and can see how I'm deviating as I approach. It helps to take your time and approach slowly. The RCS fuel lasts a surprisingly long time when it's just the Kerbal and his pack. 

Better luck next time and welcome to the forum. :)

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