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T1G IP Lander I [.17]

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.17 added a lot. IVA's, new easter eggs, and a little thing called planets. To that end, I present the IP Lander I...

The IP Lander I:

This has more than enough fuel to get to orbit, go to the target (Duna, this one is only designed to land on Duna), land, and return your slightly less than sane Kerbal. I have launched 2 missions with this craft, both have ended in a Kerbonaut returning home. it does this all in 7 stages and 171 parts. I have not experienced lag in my game with it, but if you encounter lag that makes it unflyable please let me know and I will try to shave a few parts off.

Edited by sal_vager
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Thanks QWERT1221, I hope you have smooth landings, I forgot to mention in the starting post, the best way to get to Duna is to do gravity kicks around Kerbin. This is where you would (to get to Duna) fire the engines at the 6pm terminator (the line of shadow that indicates sunset) and throw the AP to 500km, 1500km, 4500km, then launch out from the Kerbin SOI. In theory, you could do a sustained burn with out affecting the amount of fuel that you would have taking off from Duna with. I will post a flight manual video in due time.

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