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Show orbit nodes relative to the ecliptic

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The KSP has the problem that orbit nodes are only shown if there is a target. Otherwise, it is difficult to tell by eye where the orbit nodes are. This is necessary, for example, to adjust the orbit for the upcoming maneuver to a planet with a near-zero orbit inclination. I think it is better to make this option customizable, that is, allow to show and hide the nodes as desired to not visually clutter up the map of the system. The ability to clearly orient to the ecliptic at any time will make positioning in space and planning maneuvers more convenient and less confusing

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This doesn’t really acknowledge your post, but I’ll mention it in case you don’t know: even though orbit nodes relative to the ecliptic aren’t in the first game, you can use the orbit info menu in the lower left corner to see your orbit’s inclination relative to the ecliptic. Using this in conjunction with a maneuver node can get you a near-perfect equatorial orbit. Of course, in KSP2, some planets will have axial tilt which means the equatorial plane and the ecliptic wouldn’t be the same thus making things more difficult in that regard based off of what we have available in KSP1. 

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4 minutes ago, Ahres said:

but I’ll mention it in case you don’t know: even though orbit nodes relative to the ecliptic aren’t in the first game, you can use the orbit info menu in the lower left corner to see your orbit’s inclination relative to the ecliptic

i know this, but you still have to determine the nodes of the orbit by eye, which is very painful. Ideally, I would like a more precise tool with which to set maneuvers at a certain point more accurately 

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