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Clue Tracking Hub/Dashboard for Anomalies

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People who have played, "Outer Wilds," will know what I am referring to. That game, similar to KSP, doesn't do a lot of hand-holding, so players are encouraged to explore the universe for exploration's sake - which I love! 

Outer Wilds enhances this by placing "clues" hidden on each planet which the player can discover and log in a dashboard/tab so that they can try to piece together the secrets of its universe. 

I'm not saying that KSP 2 needs to develop an intricate weaving storyline for players to discover, but since they've already announced that they'll be hiding anomalies throughout the game, I thought it would be cool for there to be a place where players can review everything that they've discovered and try to piece together what it all means. 

Some legacy KSP players have admitted that they never felt compelled to leave Kerbin's SOI, so adding something like this would allow for story/narrative driven players to feel like it's more than a physics playground. Outer_Wilds_beginner_s_guide__0003_Layer

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Absolutely! The pursuit of science was a huge motivator for me, personally. I'm not saying that the game lacks a sense of direction - I'm just proposing a new layer to the game. The KSP universe is so quirky and intriguing, as-is, so it seems ripe for a story/clue scavenger hunt and would offer their wonderful writing team the opportunity to add depth to its universe. 

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