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"explosive bolts" feature.

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There's a mod for that:

and adding an "explosive bolt" option wouldn't be too difficult, I think.  

However, explosive bolts are usually used in situations where it is intended to separate at some point in time.  Can you point out a situation in real life where there are explosive bolts in an area/assembly which is NOT intended to be separated , other than things like hatches and the like.  I'm talking about full vessel sections, not small parts of one

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On 2/16/2023 at 12:24 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

However, explosive bolts are usually used in situations where it is intended to separate at some point in time.  Can you point out a situation in real life where there are explosive bolts in an area/assembly which is NOT intended to be separated , other than things like hatches and the like.  I'm talking about full vessel sections, not small parts of one

X15 was hung by explosive bolts, prototype engines sometimes were attached to strato bombers by those, fearing usually use those, before mentioned helicopter propellers to allow ejection seats, early air to air missiles used those before reliable latches were developed to allow non-flexing characteristics during supersonic flight.

My original point was that it's slightly dumb to have to use decoupler and do the offset kung-fu to occlude it from otherwise clean design just to have something like a drop tank.

But it seems that general consensus is against so far.

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