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Please notify players if "hatch is obstructed" while in VBA prior to launch

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Just finished Matt Lowne's newest video premiere and he ran into the classic, "hatch obstructed," message while flying his SSTO, a KSP 1 classic! Good thing we have a place to leave suggestions! :) 

Please consider adding an error message while constructing vehicles in the VBA to let players know when their hatch is obstructed. Perhaps you can highlight the part(s) blocking the hatch in red when this happens so that players can make adjustments. For the record, I think that players SHOULD be able to block the hatch if they so please, but they need to be aware of this just in case they are planning on placing parts precariously close to the hatches. 


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12 hours ago, SoulCandy said:

For the record, I think that players SHOULD be able to block the hatch if they so please, but they need to be aware of this just in case they are planning on placing parts precariously close to the hatches. 

I disagree, but more in terms of approach than in result. I think players should have to remove the hatch in question in order to place another part that’d block it. If there aren’t any hatches left, that can trigger an error message about there not being a way to Kerbals on/off the vessel.

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