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KSP = Kerbal Space PIRATES !!!


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I recently deleted Kerbal Space Program 0.17, but why would a gamer that is good at a game delete it?? Well the answer is simple, with a complicated story...

One of my good friends and I both like the game and we had the idea of buying the game. So i gave her $15 ( when it was ) to buy the game. Everything was chill we bought two copies of the game. $30 to the Dev team right? Wrong! She pocketed the money and gave me a pirated copy of the game via flash-drive, I, thinking it was a legit copy, played the game, downloaded mods, and posted my ships on the forums like a good little Kastronaught. :D Everything was peachy. Then update 0.17 came out, and I couldn't wait to play it. The questioned pirate had gotten the game in 1 our of release, impressively fast. That should have been Hint #1, but i was blinded by my love for the game and could not wait to play! So that Friday, she came over to my house and gave me the game. Hint #2, she didn't want to give me the info to his Ksp Store account so I can use the patcher. I asked why and she said "Because I don't want you to buy more copies without my permission". Which is Hint #3, and the one that made me stop and think about this, she let me know the username and password to her amazon account. So I did a little snooping, and what I found was a Pirate Bay link to Kerbal Space Program 0.17. So I looked in the Google downloads and saw a torrent file of ksp 0.17 and 0.16. I was ..."Speechless"... She ended up giving the money back, but never paid for the full game. I would pay for the game but I don't have a credit card I can use having mine taken away for overspending and until i'm 18 ( I'm 15 ) I can't get a new one... -____- *. So I did the right thing and deleted the game.

We are still friends but not as gamers anymore.... ( i don't want any messages saying "You should call the police on them" or "You should never talk to them any more" )

I just wanted to put this out there, and if this happens to you or sounds like what's happening to you....

***Watch Out For Space Pirates***

Edited by LickableIce
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You're 15 and your parents let you have a credit card? No wonder why it was taken away at 15 you can barely even get yourself let alone have good money management, hell I'm 17 I still find myself slipping up with money. Anyway you can still buy KSP just get yourself one of those Visa gift cards and use that, no paypal account required it just uses paypal to process it.

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Just get a debit card. That way you don't have any payments to make because there is no Credit for the card, it is tied directly to your bank account. Debit cards will NOT approve any transactions which try to take more money than what you already have in your bank account plus they can be used everywhere that a credit card can!

EDIT: Did you have a good yell at your friend for taking your money and giving you an *ahem* "Less-than-legal" copy of the game?

Edited by doggie015
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You're 15 and your parents let you have a credit card? No wonder why it was taken away at 15 you can barely even get yourself let alone have good money management, hell I'm 17 I still find myself slipping up with money. Anyway you can still buy KSP just get yourself one of those Visa gift cards and use that, no paypal account required it just uses paypal to process it.

ill try it, thanks

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Moderators warning! Talk of having pirated the game might get you in a bad, bad spot.... Not advisable....

But even less so is to actually do it, that's just evil... KSP is made by a tiny company based on Mexico, they are just big enough to manage with what they have, and some of the crew isn't even hired as full time

Piracy on KSP is basically robbing your brother or similar.... Squad is not a large corporation with millions to invest on risk.... This is actually their first and only title, and the no-DRM policy serves as a model of honest design and thoughtfulness

What you did was honest, no doubt - in the spirit of not punishing honesty, i will not burn this thread down (just yet, still other mods might)

Btw - there's no such thing as a pirated copy of the game... It has no DRM, so you could only download it legitimally by logging in with a valid store account.... After that, the game is delivered in .zip format, no installers, no messy what-did-i-just-put-in-my-pc nonsense... Unzip, play....

If you have an account with a proper purchase, then your installation is valid.... The problem here is not as much the pirated copy as it is the pirate distribution source

Some users have been able to report these foul sources to whoever does the hosting and get them taken down... This is a very noble thing to do, if at all possible

Please, spread the word - KSP is built on the philosophy of "make money to make games, don't make games to make money"

And get better friends, really....


Edited by Moach
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Tell your parents it's an educational game that will make you become a rocket scientist. Seriously. A colleague of mine bought the game for his 12 years old son, and the kid is having a blast & learning a lot of stuff. There is no age for fun and for learning about science!

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You did a good thing...Your friend doesn't seem like so much of a "friend" to me if she did that because surely a true friend wouldn't do that.

If you can, try and buy the game yourself, SQUAD need all the money they can get.

Again, Well Done.

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You did a good thing. Personally, I think the main reason people pirate is because of lack of funds or because they don't have credit card access. Anyhow, well done! And try convincing your parents to get it. At $18, they have to be very mean to turn you down!

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I condemn the pirating of video game. You are basically stealing other peoples hard work. A lot of games out there get pirated. Games that are in high demand, have DRM but are still popular are games that get pirated the most. I hate people who go onto forums and and start celebrating that they torrented a game. There is one game I own that has DRM. Many people on forums go and say that they will pirate the game. By paying for the game you are saying that you appreciate the developers hard work and you commented to funding the further development of this game or games to come. KSP is a game that I find hard to believe that anyone will pirate. Most people on the forums are decent people and respect the work that Squad is doing. Most people here respect the fact that this is a small company from Mexico and buy it to support Squad.

The only good thing I can see is that this case is a case of beginners pirating. I believe that there are two kinds of pirates in the world. Beginner pirates and professional pirates. Beginners spread pirated software though USB by simply copying files into it. Very common in schools and not very sophisticated. The second type is professional, these are the ones companies have to be worried about. They hack the software and turn it into a torrent to put up online. If the game needs a key, they can create a generator. This is what costs companies money and promotes the use of DRM against consumers.

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I have to add that this is indeed a tempting situation to be in, not all would have made such a decision.

Personally i will not do anything about this thread as i think your morality is exemplary to those few deluded ones among us that do believe robbing a company like Squad of profits is acceptable to get the game.

Piracy ≠ theft.

Piracy is definitely not the same as bagging a bunch of money at gun-point, but stealing intellectual property and thus preventing the creators from earning anything is illegally taking something, thus, it is simply theft.

Edited by Ascensiam
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