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Vessel landed on Mun falling through ground

Krzysztof Jaromir

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I went to send a rescue mission for a landed kerbal on the mun. When I was in orbit of the Mun, I started looking for where the vessel was in map view.

Then I found it, but the icon for the vessel was inside the Mun, I switched to control it, from what it looked like, it was definitely falling through the ground of the Mun. Then along with my Kerbal, it exploded.

I have heard this happens on other Celestial Bodies also.

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I have a similar issue, but not quite the same. I had landed on mun, saved and quit the game. When I loaded the save again the vessel was falling through the ground. I tried loading again and after a few times it stayed on the ground and I could continue.

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  • KSP Version
  • Operating System  - Windows 10prox64 latest
  • CPU and GPU models, I7-9700K, RTX 2070S, 32GB DDR4
  • Description of the bug.  
    • Expected Behavior - Craft should collide with planet surface
    • Observed Behavior - Craft does not collide with planet surface
  • Steps to Replicate - save with craft landed on planet, quit, reboot, reload
  • Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) - reload the game save
  • A list of ALL mods.  none
  • Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files 

I have just had the exact same problem as MarkAtk loading a gamesave immediately after starting the client, with a craft landed on Minmus. It just sank straight through the surface, but obeyed thrust physics.

Here is a screenshot of halfway under the planet with thruster firing.

Fix as above was to exit to menu without saving and reload the game save, when it worked as expected. Only the first load of the play session seems to have the problem of surface collision not being present.


Edited by boolybooly
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Same here, happened on the Mun and on Duna. Abandoned the Mun craft, the Duna craft was the target of an ongoing rescue mission:

1) Quickload rescue vehicle
2) In map view, "control" landed craft
3) Exit map view
4) For repeated execution of 1-4, the landed craft is clipped into the ground by a different amount each time:
    - completely underground followed by falling to the planets core
    - significantly in the ground, jumping up high into the air, unrecoverable
    - slightly in the ground, jumping a bit, then stable


KSP2   -   Windows 10 Home 21H2   -   Ryzen 9 3950X   -   RTX 2080 Ti (Driver 528.49)

Edited by Draradech
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7 hours ago, Draradech said:

Same here, happened on the Mun and on Duna. Abandoned the Mun craft, the Duna craft was the target of an ongoing rescue mission:

1) Quickload rescue vehicle
2) In map view, "control" landed craft
3) Exit map view
4) For repeated execution of 1-4, the landed craft is clipped into the ground by a different amount each time:
    - completely underground followed by falling to the planets core
    - significantly in the ground, jumping up high into the air, unrecoverable
    - slightly in the ground, jumping a bit, then stable


KSP2   -   Windows 10 Home 21H2   -   Ryzen 9 3950X   -   RTX 2080 Ti (Driver 528.49)

For me, it's something similar. I land then abandon the craft on Mun to do the weekly challenge. By the time I get back, it's underground. When I switch to it, it falls infinitley and don't stop. This has happened twice. It literally leaves the solar system if left untouched long enough.

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Has anyone else had trouble doing the rescue part of the weekly challenge?  When I try to go back to a previously stranded vehicle, it is always clipping through the Mun and I am unable to disembark and walk to the rescue vessel.  Very frustrating.  Additionally I tried E.V.A. with my pilot and planting a flag, but both the flag and Kerbal  are not available in the Tracking Station

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I had the same issue, went back to a stranded craft on the Mun surface from the tracking station after sending a rescue vehicle and found the first craft ~4000 m underground. I could still fly it there, though, upon exiting the 'surface' my craft quickly dissassembled (but wasn't technically destroyed). Weirdly enough, when my rescue craft arrived, it gave an accurate waypoint indicator for the craft position under the surface and it wasn't moving as far as I could tell. As soon as I changed to the stranded vehicle, it started falling with normal Mun gravity:

  • KSP Version
  • Operating System  - Windows 10prox64 latest
  • CPU and GPU models, Threadripper 1950X, RTX 2080 Ti, 64GB DDR4
  • Description of the bug.  
    • Expected Behavior - Craft should rest on the planet surface while not attended
    • Observed Behavior - Craft was found not moving ~4000 m below the surface of Mun. Craft was still flyable, exited 'surface' of moon and was dissassembled
  • Steps to Replicate - save with craft landed on Mun, quit or switch to a different craft, return. 
  • Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) - none
  • A list of ALL mods.  none
  • Other Notes / Screenshots / Log Files : I have some, but haven't figured out how to upload them yet... I can't seem to use screenshots from my steam account


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On 2/26/2023 at 11:22 PM, Ackertron said:

Has anyone else had trouble doing the rescue part of the weekly challenge?  When I try to go back to a previously stranded vehicle, it is always clipping through the Mun and I am unable to disembark and walk to the rescue vessel.  Very frustrating.  Additionally I tried E.V.A. with my pilot and planting a flag, but both the flag and Kerbal  are not available in the Tracking Station

Actually, when I landed on Mun for that rescue parts, my stranded kerbonauts were gone (they were waiting in EVA by the flag they planted) but there was a kerbal that was supposed to be back at the base waiting in their stranded rocket. More details here. It's my favorite bug so far.

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On 2/26/2023 at 6:26 AM, MarkAtk said:

I have a similar issue, but not quite the same. I had landed on mun, saved and quit the game. When I loaded the save again the vessel was falling through the ground. I tried loading again and after a few times it stayed on the ground and I could continue.

Mun is a cheese confirmed.

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On 2/26/2023 at 6:03 PM, c3ypt1c said:

For me, it's something similar. I land then abandon the craft on Mun to do the weekly challenge. By the time I get back, it's underground. When I switch to it, it falls infinitley and don't stop. This has happened twice. It literally leaves the solar system if left untouched long enough.

Ha, I loaded my save before I noticed my craft 4000 m below the surface of Mun and aimed down rather than up and was able to get to about 15 km/s with this Mun 'gravity assist', currently on an solar system escape trajectory myself! I noticed that there is a SOI for the solar system as well so I'll see what happens when I get there. I wonder if you can get faster with higher gravity planets?

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