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Bug: Stage recently dropped from launch vehicle is uncontrollable

Angelo Kerman

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  • KSP Version:
  • Operating System and version  (Windows 10, Windows 11): Windows 11
  • Description: A stage that was recently discarded is uncontrollable despite having power, antennas, and a probe core.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Create a rocket with at least two stages and make sure that they all have probe cores. Example:


2. Launch the rocket, and release the upper stage once you're out of the atmosphere. The upper stage (the capsule in this example) is still controllable.

3. Switch to the previous stage (note: it must have a probe core, batteries, and antenna to ensure that it will be controllable).

Expected: The stage that you switched to should be controllable.

Actual: The stage has no connection to CommNet. Even if you wait until KSC is directly underneath the stage, it is still uncontrollable.

Workaround: Add an astronaut to the stage:


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I've experienced this issue as well, with any probe-controlled vessel detached not having a CommNet connection

The quick workaround that has gotten me past this issue is that after a save and reload, the probe(s) magically have connection again and can be switched to and controlled as normal.   This works with both regular save/load or F5/F9.

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On a side note, this exact same thing happens when docking two probe-controlled craft together, with the same workaround to correct it.   I've had to start doing a very quick quicksave/quickload in order to prevent the newly combined craft from spinning itself into oblivion

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When I tried launching a rocket from my strato-launcher for the Week 2 challenge, my probe would get disconnected after a staged. I tried launching a regular rocket but after staging, I would lose connection again. I was told to do the following. "Pause, Save, Reload-save" which is quite tedious.

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I experienced this bug when testing an air launch rocket.  The air launch rocket was tested standalone on a mission to Duna and operated without issue.  When dropped from a plane, the stage (rocket) became uncontrollable, and could not be switched to with the message "Observer can't leave active vessel".


  • KSP Version -
  • Operating System and version  - Windows 11
  • CPU and GPU models - Intel core i5 12600KF / NVIDIA GeFroce RTX 3080
  • Description of the bug.  
    • Expected Behavior - Rocket is staged and is either switchable to or becomes the primary controlled vessel.
    • Observed Behavior - "Observer can't leave active vessel".
  • Steps to Replicate - Aeroplane with air launch rocket stage attached via decoupler.
  • Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) unknown
  • A list of ALL mods - None
  • Other Notes: See image in spoiler. 
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While a vessel is on suborbital trajectory, you cannot switch control to other vessels, even after going back to tracking center. This creates an issue as I jettisoned my only on-board Kerbal in an escape pod. So, I can't control the escape pod and save my Kerbal, I'm forced to watch him die and pilot an empty vessel to the ground. I'm not entirely sure whether this is an intentional decision or a bug, but either way it's something I used to do semi-frequently in KSP 1. 

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