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ship spins out of control?


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when my lander and the transit vehicle are separated SAS works adequately for both of them. After I finish docking, if I enable SAS the whole thing starts tumbling out of control.

Here's a short clip, I cycle through all the settings I think are relevant on the two control modules. (may need a minute to process)

Any suggestions?


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5 hours ago, Gargamel said:

Moved to gameplay questions. 

Frankly, this should be moved to Bugs. There’s no “gameplay” issue involved.

I had a similar thing occur last night - after docking in Mun orbit and transferring two Kerbals from the lander to the return vehicle, I undocked. The lander had a probe core and SAS but no RCS or engines, as I had transferred all the propellants back into the return vessel. After undocking, the empty lande started spinning like a top. Transferring focus back to that vessel did not let me regain control, even after going into the probe core settings, fiddling with the torque controls, etc.  Fortunately, my crew were in the now-separate capsule and returned home nominally.

Even more oddly, some time later in the Tracking Center, the lander showed up in the Vessels list. When I focused on it, it seemed to have flung itself out of Mun orbit into high Kerbin orbit, as if it had performed an escape maneuver even though it was completely devoid of propellants.

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I was trying to reproduce this and on my 2nd attempt I got a ship that could actually stabilize itself in orbit.

I'm not sure what's different between the two, autosaves overwrote my hard saves?? was gonna post a save file.

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