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Kerbals on EVA can levitate


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Note: This is just a minor bug and not that important.

My Specs: GPU RTX 2070super, CPU Ryzen 7 3700X, System Windows 10 Pro

Description: I discovered, that Kerbals can hover above ground on EVA by using their jetpack. I did this by pushing the Kerbal up with the jetpack thrusters, he lifted his feet a little (guess that's intended), but when I stopped pushing, he didn't get back down to the ground and stood a couple of centimeters above ground, this could be repeated several times and in the end he was about half a meter up or so. It does not work further, as he kind of hits a hard level when meeting a certain hight and falls back down to his half a meter standing point. This effect also eliminates itself when he starts to walk, he slowly comes down to ground, like he's going down some stairs.image.png

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7 hours ago, Stoup said:

Does he stomp around in a somewhat goofy manner? Sounds very similar to the behavior of the magnetic boots used when walking on vessels. Interesting!

Yes, it looks like magnetic boots are for any surface.

Walking on low gravity bodies looks really ridged

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On 2/27/2023 at 4:48 AM, Stoup said:

Does he stomp around in a somewhat goofy manner? Sounds very similar to the behavior of the magnetic boots used when walking on vessels. Interesting!

Not that I had noticed, seemed very normal to me. But I did not focus on that in particular, so maybe you are right.

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