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25,000 copies sold (Steam)


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For what's it worth I just compared some stats with Baldur's Gate 3 which is widely agreed to have been fairly successful as far as Early Access goes. BG 3 started with ~70k concurrent players, which is about triple that of KSP 2. But I think this is actually very respectable for a game like KSP 2, which is obviously more niche than one of the anticipated CRPGs. 

A bit more worrying is the fast downward trend we see - BG 3 dropped to about 1/3 of the starting player count by about a month later. KSP 2 seems to be already lower, but I think we need to look at next weekends data when people have more free time. Still, it seems to indicate that as far as early access goes KSP didn't start out unusually low.

EDIT: and of course, the positive review rate was a lot better. 

Edited by MarcAbaddon
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5 minutes ago, MarcAbaddon said:

For what's it worth I just compared some stats with Baldur's Gate 3 which is widely agreed to have been fairly successful as far as Early Access goes. BG 3 started with ~70k concurrent players, which is about triple that of KSP 2. But I think this is actually very respectable for a game like KSP 2, which is obviously more niche than one of the anticipated CRPGs. 

A bit more worrying is the fast downward trend we see - BG 3 dropped to about 1/3 of the starting player count by about a month later. KSP 2 seems to be already lower, but I think we need to look at next weekends data when people have more free time. Still, it seems to indicate that as far as early access goes KSP didn't start out unusually low.

EDIT: and of course, the positive review rate was a lot better. 

Not only that but the peak player count isnt high aswell - it barely was much better than for KSP1 - and KSP2 actually had a lot more marketing and was already a well known brand.

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2 hours ago, RayneCloud said:

That is factually untrue. Epic has over 62+ million users  and steam has 120 million with up around 60 million daily active users.

The vast majority of EGS users play one game - fortnite. Downloads of other games there are small, judging by the known data.

2 hours ago, Moons said:

KSP2 actually had a lot more marketing

Where is this marketing? Several YouTube videos on the official channel can hardly be called marketing.

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You can set the stores at different values for playernumbers, say "but there is a direct buy for the game" etc. 

If you just look at the numbers, you see that the game is losing traction. And that the traction it had wasn't good from the start. 

People trying to nullify the KSP1-KSP2 player number comparision by saying : "yes many players started with KSP1 again after they tried KSP2, so the numbers are inflated".


That's december 2022. October 2022 had about 400 players more. KSP1 is on it's way or at times at the level of late 2022 in terms of player numbers. 

And these are the numbers that make me question the sales aswell. There is no way this game has more then 300.000 sold copies as some people claim. 

Not with ~2400 concurrent players with 24 hour peaks of ~4.000.


The green line dropping like a rock is KSP2 btw. 


The fact that tomorrow is 1 week after launch and we still haven't even seen a hotfix, is well.... I mean really? Not even a hotfix for the save games breaking? Or the one where the KSC teleports with you? 

Edited by Mantarochen
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