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VAB: Orientation change after starting, causes parts mounted on radial attachment points to pivot upon connecting with unrotated parts in other orientation.


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KSP Version:

  • Unmodded stock steam release
  • Launched via stock launcher


  • VAB - Orientation change, causes parts mounted on radial attachment points to pivot upon snapping to unrotated parts in other construct built in other orientation.
  • Expected teams required: Gameplay
  • Features: VAB // Orientations


  • Expected: When constructing something in horizonal alignment, then attaching a radial attachment point with a Docking port on it, and then rotating that construct into a vertical alignment, before trying to attach it to a vertically aligned secondary ship, with a side mounted docking ring, should connect the two docking rings as expected. 
  • Observed: The docking node on the selected (and earlier rotated ship) will pivot 90 degrees out of alignment with the selected ship and prevent the nodes from connecting.


  • Recreated in fresh empty campaign, but occurs in all instances.
  • Probability: 100% (10/10 repro's)
  • Steps:
  1. Start with a horizontal cockpit (Ref: shipA) and ensure the workspace is in horizontal orientation mode
  2. Attach a fuel tank behind it
  3. Attach a radial attachment point (Ref: radialA) below the fuel tank
  4. Attach a docking port (Ref: dockA) to radialA.
  5. Select the cockpit, and rotate the entire construct 90 degrees into a vertical alignment.
  6. Change the workspace into vertical orientation mode
  7. Place a new fuel tank somewhere as a secondary construct. (Ref: shipB)
  8. Attach a radial attachment point (Ref: radialB) to the side of the fuel tank on ShipB.
  9. Attach a docking port (Ref: dockB) to radialB.
  10. Pick up shipA, and attempt to connect it to shipB by attaching dockA with dockB. ERROR: When dockA snaps to dockB, dockA will pivot 90 degrees into the wrong orientation.

Workaround: After the part (dockA) has snapped into the wrong orientation, pick it up (dockA), rotate it into the correct orientation, and reattach it to radialA. Then attempt to connect the two constructs together again and they will snap together as expected. 

Image/Video: https://imgur.com/a/UnikOQ7

Logfile: https://pastebin.com/aBAz7wrn

Probably irrelevant but attached OS details regardless:
Operating System: Windows 10, i7-6700k, GTX1070, 32gb Ram

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After the part (dockA) has snapped into the wrong orientation, pick it up (dockA), rotate it into the correct orientation, and reattach it to radialA. Then attempt to connect the two constructs together again and they will snap together as expected.

The workaround was of great help and I think it will be of great help to fix the bug.

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Actually after having fixed the problem on a fuel tank with a docking port attached on the rounded side, I tried duplicating it and the problem happend again, but I was never able to fix it.

The docking ports continuously rotate when approaching another port. This makes it all unplayable.

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I believe this is the same bug, but can file a separate report if not.  Observed the above beahviour in VAB when trying to join two craft together.  Every time I try it flips the attaching part by 90 degrees and leaves the rest of the assembly in the correct orientation.

  • KSP Version -
  • Operating System and version  - Windows 11
  • CPU and GPU models - Intel core i5 12600KF / NVIDIA GeFroce RTX 3080
  • Description of the bug.  
    • Expected Behavior - When joining two assemblies in VAB, assemblies should join as normal.
    • Observed Behavior - closest attaching part rotates 90 degrees; assemblies do not attach.
  • Steps to Replicate - Join a veritcally and a horizontally made craft in VAB in the same orientation
  • Fixes / Workarounds (if known..) unknown
  • A list of ALL mods - None
  • Other Notes: See image in spoiler. 



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