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The KSC Runways are Not Perfectly Level


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Version, Win11, Ryzen 9 3900X, Radeon RX 5700, 32 GB

I don't know if this is intentional or not (or even if it's an issue that actually needs to be fixed, even if unintentional), but the altitude relative to sea-level changes along the runway. First noticed this because vehicles would start rolling down the runway from either end, regardless of which direction they were facing, and without any control inputs. I recorded a video showing how the height changes along the length of the runway. Testing was done on the south runway, and it goes from approximately 116m ASL on the west end, down to 95m ASL near the east end, back to 98m ASL on the east end (I'm subtracting 3m from what the video shows since the rover's cockpit is about 3m off the ground).

*Note: video has been sped up approximately 16x
** Incidentally, the FPS counter appears to wig out while recording (using the Win+G overlay in Windows 11). It's showing a smoothed FPS of around 170, but that was extremely wrong. With the recording going, it felt more like 20-30 at these settings

Edited by whatsEJstandfor
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