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Suggestion: New exploration technologies (telescope, sample catcher, airbags, paddles and solar power sails)

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I would like to see these parts below in addition to ones that were already existing on KSP1.


A telescope with a variety of wavelengths would be great. So we could earn the science point and also earn the images of the astro-areas which indicated by the navball.

  • Visible light telescopes (Hubble-like)
  • X-ray telescope (like XRISM or ASTRO-D)
  • Infrared telescopes (like JWST)

We need an exoplanet search telescope like Kepler or TESS! This would combine the main elements of the traditional KSP and 2.

  • Exoplanet search telescope

A sample catcher (a device that would allow a probe to collect surface samples of a planet. As a probe fanatic, I would like to see a method that does not rely on Kerbals! I would like to see it implemented by choosing from the corer method used in MMX or the gas vacuum cleaner method used in Osiris Rex. There should be a greater gap on earning science points between Recover and Transmission to emphasis the features of the sample return.)

Landing technology

  • Airbags (traditional EDL technology used on Opportunity & Spirit, Luna 9, and more recently OMOTENASHI (sorry it didn't work out). This technology is not suitable for large spacecraft. It should be made to break under large weight.)


  • The new retractable paddles were great, but we need a wider variety of solar panels.
  • Cross paddles like PHYCHE and JUICE.
  • Vertical medium sized paddles like MMX and World View 3.(We also need a mechanism to fix the angle of the paddles.)

And at last, we need a solar-powered sail like the IKAROS or OKEANOS! A solar-powered sail will receive sunlight and generate huge amounts of power while producing a small (but tremendous) amount of delta-v! This is a technology that could be used for interstellar flight.

Please let me know what parts you guys want too.

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4 hours ago, ohka said:

I would like to see these parts below in addition to ones that were already existing on KSP1.


A telescope with a variety of wavelengths would be great. So we could earn the science point and also earn the images of the astro-areas which indicated by the navball.

  • Visible light telescopes (Hubble-like)
  • X-ray telescope (like XRISM or ASTRO-D)
  • Infrared telescopes (like JWST)

We need an exoplanet search telescope like Kepler or TESS! This would combine the main elements of the traditional KSP and 2.

  • Exoplanet search telescope

A sample catcher (a device that would allow a probe to collect surface samples of a planet. As a probe fanatic, I would like to see a method that does not rely on Kerbals! I would like to see it implemented by choosing from the corer method used in MMX or the gas vacuum cleaner method used in Osiris Rex. There should be a greater gap on earning science points between Recover and Transmission to emphasis the features of the sample return.)

Landing technology

  • Airbags (traditional EDL technology used on Opportunity & Spirit, Luna 9, and more recently OMOTENASHI (sorry it didn't work out). This technology is not suitable for large spacecraft. It should be made to break under large weight.)


  • The new retractable paddles were great, but we need a wider variety of solar panels.
  • Cross paddles like PHYCHE and JUICE.
  • Vertical medium sized paddles like MMX and World View 3.(We also need a mechanism to fix the angle of the paddles.)

And at last, we need a solar-powered sail like the IKAROS or OKEANOS! A solar-powered sail will receive sunlight and generate huge amounts of power while producing a small (but tremendous) amount of delta-v! This is a technology that could be used for interstellar flight.

Please let me know what parts you guys want too.

I was just thinking about airbags, not just for lobbing rovers at Duna in the funniest way possible. It was always was kinda rude to subject a kerbal to a 10 m/s landing on land with no cushion (thats like 20 mph btw). One of the biggest reasons the US never bothered with on land landings (except in emergencies, or in controlled flight like with the Space Shuttle) was because of the extra equipment needed to soften the blow when impacting the ground.

The soviets never had the luxury of landing in the ocean. For them, it was more convenient to land within Soviet territory. During Vostok, they would have cosmonauts eject and fall under their own parachutes, since the capsule's parachute wasnt strong enough to keep from breaking the pilots back on impact. This incidentally is why the recovered Vostok capsules on display are... well... Smushed. They literally smashed into the ground. Theyre supposed to be spherical. The soviets kept the landing process out of the press initially if I recall correctly, because it was embarrassingly jank.

With Soyuz, landing this way wasnt exactly an option. You'd have to have 3 cosmonauts climb out the top hatch to bail out... And lets be real, bailing out was ghetto anyway. So with soyuz, they would blow off the heat shield, and underneath were 6 retro rockets. These rockets were designed to fire just a meter or two above the ground, providing an impulse that softens the landing.

But there are other options. Every time the US experiments with capsule landing on land they tend to use softening airbags to absorb the imact. This is because, unlike Soyuz, the US capsules are required to at least have the option to land in water. This usually means having airbags anyway as a floatation assist (where the Soyuz can, and has, sunk like a rock when landed in water).

Anyway, with KSP 2's jank water physics currently, I've already had a capsule sink like a rock. It made me wish the game had airbags, if only to make capsules float (and honestly, it would be cool if all capsules had the potential to sink, unless you added floats).

I also like the idea of incorporating more telescope gameplay. Especially with interstellar travel coming up, and more detailed planets in Kerbol. You could use a space telescope to scan Kerbol planets from afar, and identify features worth landing near, before ever sending a mission. It would give focus for mission planning.

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Some of my KSP1 interplanetary craft included the telescope piece not for watching asteroids but representing extensive gear for navigation. Part of it to look for certain stars/quasars for angle and to look at planets including Kerbin to determine your position. Repeat to get a current velocity to see if you need to make course adjustments in your many days/weeks/months of flight.


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On 2023/2/28 at 午前3時8分, justmeman117 said:

私はエアバッグについて考えていました.Dunaで可能な限り面白い方法でローバーをロブするためだけではありません. カーバルをクッションなしで 10 m/s の速度で着陸させるのは、常に失礼でした (20 mph のようなものです)。米国が陸上着陸を気にかけなかった最大の理由の 1 つは (緊急時、またはスペースシャトルのような制御飛行を除いて)、地面に衝突する際の打撃を和らげるために追加の装置が必要だったからです。

ソビエトは海に上陸するという贅沢を決して持っていませんでした。彼らにとって、ソビエト領土内に着陸する方が便利でした。ボストークの間、カプセルのパラシュートはパイロットが衝撃で元に戻るのを防ぐのに十分な強度がなかったため、宇宙飛行士が飛び出して自分のパラシュートの下に落ちるようにしました。ちなみにこれが、展示されている回収されたボストーク カプセルが...まあ...潰れている理由です。彼らは文字通り地面に激突した。それらは球状であるはずです。私の記憶が正しければ、ソ連は当初、着陸プロセスをマスコミから隠していました。

ソユーズでは、この方法で着陸することは、まさに選択肢ではありませんでした。脱出するには、宇宙飛行士 3 人が一番上のハッチから登らなければなりません。ソユーズで熱シールドを吹き飛ばし、その下に6基のレトロロケットを設置。これらのロケットは、地上わずか 1 ~ 2 メートルで発射するように設計されており、着地を和らげる衝撃を与えます。

しかし、他のオプションがあります。米国は、カプセルを陸上に着陸させる実験を行うたびに、衝撃を吸収するために軟化エアバッグを使用する傾向があります。これは、ソユーズとは異なり、米国のカプセルには少なくとも水に着陸するオプションが必要なためです。これは通常、浮力アシストとしてエアバッグを装備することを意味します (ソユーズが水に着陸したときに岩のように沈む可能性があり、実際に沈んでいます)。

とにかく、現在の KSP 2 のジャンク水物理学では、カプセルが岩のように沈んでしまいました。カプセルを浮かせるだけなら、ゲームにエアバッグがあればいいのにと思いました(正直なところ、フロートを追加しない限り、すべてのカプセルが沈む可能性があればクールです)。

また、望遠鏡のゲームプレイをさらに組み込むというアイデアも気に入っています。特に、恒星間旅行が近づき、Kerbol のより詳細な惑星が登場します。宇宙望遠鏡を使用して遠くからカーボル惑星をスキャンし、ミッションを送信する前に近くに着陸する価値のある機能を特定できます. ミッション計画に焦点を当てます。

Yes, airbags help you get back in kerbin. Adding a float is also a good idea. I also want to have 3 spherical floats radially arranged on the mk3 command pod.

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I like the idea of solar sails but based on what I've seen, thrust over time warp is monodirectional relative to the orbiting body, and a solar sail's thrust vector rotates with the spacecraft's motion around Kerbol. That said, I'd love to see a togglable overlay with space weather...get a telescope in orbit with a certain detector and you can just toggle a view that plays a model of CME activity and such...the solar wind doesn't have to do anything, it could just look cool. I work in a heliophysics division and get to see those pretty models all day.

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