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Relative Target info?


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As the titles says is there a way to see relative target info of a target so I can match speed and not have to just guess from the map view?
If so how do I see it?
Am I missing a special part or something I need on both craft or...?

I have all the normal parts on my ship like an antenna and both have the remote drone controller on them or a Kerbal in each thing im trying to dock.

If not how are we supposed to dock things in orbits?

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Man, the new Map view trajectory UI makes rendezvous so much harder than is has to be. There's no distance indicators at closest approach - just have to eyeball the icons and get them as close as you can. It can certainly be done, but it's so much easier in KSP1. (And easy as flying a kite to fly a completely manual docking with Docking Port Alignment Indicator, once you have a good close approach and null out most of the relative velocity).


Also, the velocity indicator does have a Target mode, but it doesn't seem to display a sign before the numerals - so it's not immediately obvious is you're closing or receding. 

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7 hours ago, LameLefty said:

There's no distance indicators at closest approach

Um, there is? It's can't be pinned to the screen, correct, but the distance is shown on the marker mouseover, along with the speed.

7 hours ago, LameLefty said:

Also, the velocity indicator does have a Target mode, but it doesn't seem to display a sign before the numerals - so it's not immediately obvious is you're closing or receding. 

Watch the navball then. It's all there. I admit I spent last years using MJ to rendezvous and docking, but I made it here on second attempt, only by reading the available data.

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3 hours ago, The Aziz said:

Um, there is? It's can't be pinned to the screen, correct, but the distance is shown on the marker mouseover, along with the speed

That’s the issue. When I tugging all six axis lines on the node controls, I have to stop and mouse over the indicator to see the numbers. That’s garbage UI, right up there with losing the Ap/Pe numbers without a mouse over. 

3 hours ago, The Aziz said:

Watch the navball then. It's all there. I admit I spent last years using MJ to rendezvous and docking, but I made it here on second attempt, only by reading the available data

Don’t tell an old man how to use the navball. I have made every docking I’ve ever attempted in KSP2, completely manually.

Besides which, I have never used MechJeb to dock in KSP even waaay back in March 2013 when I was first learning the game. It was (and is again), all about “pushing” and “pulling” the prograde and retrograde velocity indicators on the navball with thrusting toward or away from the target indicator.  

Anyway, here’s a protip for those asleep at the switch for the past … what? 5 or 7 years? @NavyFish’s Docking Port Alignment Indicator is much superior in terms of teaching you how to do it manually and EFFICIENTLY, without spamming dozens of hundreds of units of mono prop. ;) I desperately hope that tool gets ported to KSP2.

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