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Weekly Challenge #2 - Air Launch to Orbit

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  On 3/7/2023 at 5:28 AM, Speeding Mullet said:

Took me a bit of experimenting, so here's a couple of things you could try to get you going:

1) Use a manned capsule instead of a probe core on the rocket stage - Manned capsules seem to suffer this issue less from my testing.
2) "Control from here" on the final stage's controllable core/pod before launch - Means that when you decouple or stage, you don't need to switch to a different craft as you are already controlling the separated stage.
3) Build the rocket stage as the first part, then do 2).
4) Quick save just after separation, then quick load and try switching craft again - this workaround has worked numerous times for me.


Let us know how you go, and good luck with your mission!




  On 3/7/2023 at 11:46 AM, Draradech said:

I re-rooted to the rocket's capsule, I assumed control stays with root part.

But, I also flew back the plane (loaded a quicksave for that part of the mission). You can get around the "observer can't leave active vessel" message if you switch to the other craft by double-clicking it (pausing the game makes this easier), instead of using the next/prev vessel keybinds.


thanks for the advice, i had 1 probe on the place and probe, flew with the planes first (probe bounces a lil), and the change the control before stage separation.

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