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Overall, I like the new training concept.  There may be a few bugs that need to be worked on but I, as an experinced user, found them helpful to learn the new user interface.

I have notice one thing about the videos that could be an issue for some, they require sound.  I often play in a room with other people and don't want to wear my headphones as I can't hear anything else when I do.  Not convinced anything should be done about that but, it is something to beaware of.

I would suggest there are a few more that need created.  I suspect this is already planed as new features are added.  For now I think a few should be added that explain basic things that you probably think are intuitively obvious.  One of the issue I had starting off was trying to find specific information on the Navball and HUD during flight.  With all the color and such it is a bit busy compared to what I am used to.   I can't even remember what it was like when I first stated but most of that information was in the ingame Wiki.

At the moment, a detail descrition of information that can be found in the HUD during flight would be a good one to add.  I for one would go through it just to see if there is something there I haven't noticed.


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