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Camera can't track craft if it has drone core/cabin/decoupler/engine plate


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Camera can't normal track vehicle if on previous stage was also drone core (or cabin?), camera focus on center between of vehicles. I realized it when had same bug with airlaunch and decoupling upper stages of this rocket, here is picture under spoiler to better understand what we're talking about

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You see that rocket has one drone core with small size, and other drone is core under fairing. When stages decouple camera tracks center between them and control is lost. Also same situation was when I air-launched rocket, camera focus on center between rocket and plane. But I didn't record these ;(

I saw that not only I had delt with this, there are topics with names like "airbugs after decoupling "  and other about camera. Here one with detailed video illustration 

Please if you have recordings share them to make the bug understandable

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I realized that this bug is more complex. I deleted RC drone core from upper stage, and on my rocket left only okto probe under fairing, but bug didn't disappear. I believe that engine plate also cause camera break and camera focuses not on main craft, but on the center or another point, but not on my main probe. On my craft is small plate with one "Ant" engine, illustration is under spoiler

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I think that problem maybe is in engine plate, but after researching I think it can aslo be caused by decoupler or probes. I reported this bug with this screenshot and log files in privat division request

Looking to log file and picture I assume that as you can see on picture prevoius stage are still in right stage stack somehow and maybe stay as part of craft, causing camera's strange behaviour

Edited by Vortygont
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I have been having similar bugs with decouplers. Here's one in which I have a lander with a coupling plate/decoulder/heatshield and my landing legs are inside the shroud made by the coupling plate/decoupler. Ignore the parachutes, that's a different bug. When I fire the decoupler to drop the heat shield and shroud to expose the landing legs, the camera breaks and seems to be following the center of mass between the vessel and the parts 
I just decoupled. I also seem to lose all control, followed by the sudden destruction of my vehicle. Here are the pics:


My pc:

OS: Windows 10 Home, version 22H2

CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12400F   2.50 GHz

GPU: AMD Radeon RX 6600


KSP Version: I have the first patch

Mods: none

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  On 3/30/2023 at 9:10 PM, Chris_The_Crafter said:

When I fire the decoupler to drop the heat shield and shroud to expose the landing legs, the camera breaks and seems to be following the center of mass between the vessel and the parts 


I had similar bug in version and I probably realised what casues it. In VAB try to set assembly anchor on upper stages or capsule, this bug can disappear. When I set anchor on first stage of my rocket, camera drifted away after staging, but when I changed it to control probe, camera didn't follow decoupled stage

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