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Release KontrolSystem2 (0.4.2)


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  On 2/15/2024 at 3:50 PM, WhereAreTheBathrooms said:

Hey all, I'm trying to save telemetry data so I can display it in Google Sheets but I'm struggling to figure out how to convert the saved .json to .csv - Sheets does not accept .json formatting for data imports. I have no experience doing this so I don't even know where to start. Online converter tools spit out essentially garbage, or I assume, the data but in a completely different shape to what I need. Can anyone tell me where to begin? Or link a tutorial for this kind of thing?


Are you comfortable with (simple) coding? If yes, python is very good at this. For example:

As JSON is a more complex structure, there is no 1:1 conversion. You will have to parse through the tree and generate what you want.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Is it possible de create a new txt file with Kontrol System 2, and to write/read this file?

My ideas:
- create a log mission file for each my mission
- create a experiment file where I store all the science experiment already done to exclude them for the next flights.

Thanks for your answers.

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I've created this new function using UI. In the UI, you see the current time and you have a button to warp.

use { CONSOLE } from ksp::console
use { yield, current_time } from ksp::game
use { warp_to } from ksp::game::warp
use { floor } from core::math
use { screen_size, open_window, Align } from ksp::ui

pub fn main_editor () -> Unit = {


fn create_window() -> Unit = {
  const myScreen = screen_size()
  const window_width = myScreen.x/5
  const window_height = 50
  const main_window = open_window("<b>CURRENT TIME</b>",
    myScreen.y - 20,
  const hours_per_day = 6

  const now_time: Cell<float> = Cell(current_time())

  const now_time_days: Cell<float> = Cell(0)
    now_time_days.value = floor(now_time.value / (hours_per_day*3600))
  const days_in_game: Cell<float> = Cell(0)
    days_in_game.value = now_time_days.value + 1
  const now_time_hours: Cell<float> = Cell(0)
    now_time_hours.value = floor((now_time.value - now_time_days.value*(hours_per_day*3600)) / 3600)
  const now_time_minutes: Cell<float> = Cell(0)
    now_time_minutes.value = floor((now_time.value - now_time_hours.value*3600) / 60)
  const now_time_seconds: Cell<float> = Cell(0) 
    now_time_seconds.value = floor(now_time.value - now_time_hours.value*3600 - now_time_minutes.value*60)

  const main_box = main_window.add_vertical(10.0, Align.Stretch)
  const detail_box = main_window.add_horizontal(10.0, Align.Center)
  const warp_box = main_window.add_vertical(10.0, Align.Stretch)

  const now_time_label = main_box.add_label("Current time (s):", Align.Stretch, now_time.value)
  now_time_label.bind(now_time, "Current time: {0:N2} s")

  const days_label = detail_box.add_label("day:", Align.Center)
  days_label.bind(days_in_game, "{0:N0} d")

  const hours_label = detail_box.add_label("hour:", Align.Center)
  hours_label.bind(now_time_hours, "{0:N0} h")

  const minutes_label = detail_box.add_label("min:", Align.Center)
  minutes_label.bind(now_time_minutes, "{0:N0} min")
  const seconds_label = detail_box.add_label("sec:", Align.Center)
  seconds_label.bind(now_time_seconds, "{0:N0} s")

  const warp_input_box = warp_box.add_horizontal(10.0, Align.Stretch, 10.0)
  const warp_label = warp_input_box.add_label("Warp (in seconds):", Align.Start)
  const warp_value = warp_input_box.add_float_input(Align.Start, 10.0)
  warp_value.value = 0

  const warp_button = warp_box.add_button("WARP", Align.Center)
  warp_button.on_click(fn() -> {
    const now = current_time()
    const deltaT = warp_value.value
    warp_to(now + deltaT)

  while(!main_window.is_closed) {
    now_time.value = current_time()
    now_time_days.value = floor(now_time.value / (hours_per_day*3600))
    days_in_game.value = now_time_days.value + 1
    now_time_hours.value = floor((now_time.value - now_time_days.value*(hours_per_day*3600)) / 3600)
    now_time_minutes.value = floor((now_time.value - now_time_days.value*(hours_per_day*3600) - now_time_hours.value*3600) / 60)
    now_time_seconds.value = floor(now_time.value - now_time_days.value*(hours_per_day*3600) - now_time_hours.value*3600 - now_time_minutes.value*60)


Edited by PhilippeDS
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  On 2/24/2024 at 10:14 AM, PhilippeDS said:


Is it possible de create a new txt file with Kontrol System 2, and to write/read this file?

My ideas:
- create a log mission file for each my mission
- create a experiment file where I store all the science experiment already done to exclude them for the next flights.

Thanks for your answers.


I believe anything you log in the console appears in the KSP.log file. See here:

There is no persistent storage for Kontrolsystem2, if that is what you are looking for.

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Hi. I don't really understand the method .perturbed_orbit for an orbit. I don't have the same results than the expected orbit an a node. Is it normal?


const this_obt = vessel.orbit

CONSOLE.move_cursor(CONSOLE.cursor_row + 1,0)

let temp_obt = this_obt.perturbed_orbit(this_obt.next_periapsis_time(), vec3(0,0,500))
let new_node = vessel.maneuver.add_burn_vector(this_obt.next_periapsis_time(), vec3(0,0,500)).value

CONSOLE.move_cursor(CONSOLE.cursor_row + 1,0)

temp_obt = new_node.expected_orbit



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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 2/15/2024 at 6:48 PM, appenz said:

Are you comfortable with (simple) coding? If yes, python is very good at this. For example:

As JSON is a more complex structure, there is no 1:1 conversion. You will have to parse through the tree and generate what you want.


The file isn't recognized by python i think , cause i had this error: 

JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

using just a simple code :

with open("E:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common\Kerbal Space Program 2/test.json", 'r') as file:
    data = json.load(file)
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  • 1 month later...

@Untoldwind I just noticed that CKAN somehow seems to have as, so it did not pick up the update you made the other day ( as the latest release.  It doesn't seem to have indexed it at all, the versions tab show released 4/15/2024 4:03pm and released 2 minutes later.


... and sorry to ping you then ask this question, but the making sure I had done my homework on the question I had led me to discovering that release mismatch.

Am I correct in assuming there's no current way to use debug lines in the VAB?  It seems to me that there's nothing stopping it, other than it requires a GlobalPosition and GlobalVector.  I want to indicate Forward/Right/Up from my command module using the Vec3 relative_position, but I can't find anything to use as a reference to get a valid TransformFrame.  I'm assuming that I need an existing Global type to get the TransframeForm from, am I incorrect here?


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