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Launch Button Not Functioning

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Hi, I've been experiencing an infuriating bug every time I try to launch a craft. I'll build a craft, launch it, revert back to VAB, make changes to my craft, and the launch button just won't function. I can press it, it will make a "click" sound, but my craft won't launch. All other UI still functions. If you press the button enough times, eventually it will work. Any ideas?

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This happens to me when you load a saved game. From what I have noticed so far, when you load a save, the game enters a somewhat buggy state and unexpected things can and will happen. The launch button not working being one of them. The current workaround I have found for this is to just start a new campaign if I ever leave the game, because loading is currently not worth it. And yes, this includes quicksave and quickload as well, which means all my missions are currently "one shot" :confused: 

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Don't know if this helps, but if you click it for long enough (or just wait) it will make a "ding" sound and the bar at the top that says [Kerbol / Kerbin / KSC / VAB] will disappear for a fraction of a second then reappear and set your launch are to "Launchpad 1". Also, I click the launch button and then pressed space bar (I think) and it made the Kerbal voice sound-effect that happens when you start you engines and then played the inflight music. Soooooooo annoying.

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  • 2 months later...

Same Garbage problem, Came back to this dumpster fire after months hoping I could actually play the game but they cant program a Launch button to work in a space game............. Just wish I could get my money back.

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