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Why I haven't bought KSP 2 (yet?)


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I refunded it because it didn't offer anything to me personally that KSP1 doesn't have. Combine that with the regional pricing, I paid $80 including tax for the sin of living in Canada.

I probably wouldn't have refunded it if it felt like a huge QOL improvement, but i had a few QOL regression problems. Combine that with saves and craft just breaking, I don't really want to invest in a mission for it to just fall apart.

I have no problem with early access games overall. Some are worth it, some aren't its as simple as that. And i don't buy games based on what they might be, but what they are now. I've bought games based on what they might be, and those games are no longer for sale because charity buys will never be as sustainable as having something desirable on offer.

I was putting off playing KSP1 in anticipation that KSP2 would just be a improvement overall,  and I didn't notice when all the new KSP2 features (mp, colonies, interstellar) were moved to a undated roadmap.

Now i'm just playing KSP1. Still have a lot to do that I've never done, and I see this as a chance to try new planet packs which is always fun. I'm perfectly happy with KSP1 besides issues coming from using 1000 mods like load times between scenes, and RAM usage.

Honestly it was a huge whiplash going from being excited for KSP2, to being excited to play KSP1 again. I honestly never thought I'd be wanting to forget KSP2 existed just a day after its release.

I wish the best to KSP2, and hope I want it one day. I actually really want to like it, and want to want it.

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