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Anyone figured out how to get Craft Files available between Campaigns?

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Easy! Simple, too.

Your craft files are here: C:\Users\<WindowsUserName>\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Saves\SinglePlayer\<Campaign Name>\Workspaces

Craft files, as you know doubt know, include *.json, *.meta, and *.jpg - be sure to get them all. The JSON file is the bare minimum, and the JPG is the thumbnail the game shows you when browsing craft

Copy the craft files you want to share to here: C:\Users\<WindowsUserName>\AppData\LocalLow\Intercept Games\Kerbal Space Program 2\Workspaces

Voila! Now all your campaigns will share the craft files found in the base Workspaces folder.

Issue: New craft files you create in any campaign will go automatically into the other location.

Solution (tested, this appears to work!): Replace the first folder with a shortcut by the same name leading to the second. Windows will want to tack on the string " - Shortcut" to the end of shortcut name. Be sure to clean that up so the name is just "Workspaces"

EDIT: Further testing proves the shortcut approach doesn't quite work. Not sure why, but although you'll find all the craft files from the base Workspaces this way, you will not be able to save craft files to the base workspaces folder. It will seem like it works, but the files don't get updated. You'd be able to find them anyway if you've copied the ones you want to that folder, so replacing your campaign's Workspaces with a shortcut to the base Workspaces folder doesn't add value and may break other things...

Edited by schlosrat
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