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Observer Can't Leave Active Vessel - is a bug.


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Got two Kerbals on a ship in orbit of Duna.  Idea was to leave one in the return craft and send one down in a lander. 

Several iterations of trying to get the two craft undocked while retaining control of both ships have convinced me that there is some kind of bug going on that won't allow me to have both ships in control.  Depending on how things go, I will inevitably have control of one ship, but not the other - the "Observer Can't Leave Active Vessel" bug prevents this.

I've even tried this with EVA'd Kerbals (trying to force control of the two ships by having EVA Kerbals board the ships and reassert control) - but the problem persists; I cannot control the other Kerbal clinging to the ship - only the 'active' Kerbal is the one being observed.

This has persisted across reloads and restarts - indicating the entire save 'tree' is not working.

Time to start a new career.

Edit - in the time it took to type this, my ship crashed leaving a lone Kerbal standing on the surface of Duna.  This with a PE of 83,000m and an AP of 86,000m. 

I have no idea how this happened, but Pretentious Kerman assured me 'that could have gone better'.


So... yeah.

Oh - and the Kerbal isn't controllable.  He's 'Debris'

Edited by JoeSchmuckatelli
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