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Medium wings fall off space plane, total vehicle loss if you strut them to the plane


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I tried to make a spaceplane yesterday and found a bug with the medium wings. For some reason they fell of as soon as the craft loaded on to the runway. I tried to strut them to the plane which result in instant vehicle loss.  - I tried to put small wings on it, no issue... but i could not get enough lift. Also in the VAB the medium wings insisted on being mounted upside down.

Plane just loaded onto the runway:


Vehicle loss after i added struts:


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Seems related to some other reports submitted.



Out of curiosity, are your wings mounted to the engine nacelles or directly to the main fuselage?  From the pictures it looks like the former, but I'd like to know.

Edited by Razor235
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the stack are, as i remember, engine, fuel tank fuel tank, intercooler nacelles - and they are mounted on the middle of the fuel tank section. I can try reduce the wing size and see the error persists? 

I just booted the game and can see the vehicle was not saved - even though i am pretty sure i saved it. I'll try reproduce it and see if the error is reproduced with it


Edit: It seems so (that the bug has been reported before), I guess i could have added my post as a reply to those posts... I'll do that in the future, I just went with a "you cant get to much data on a bug" approach. How ever I do belive the devs will have an easier time finding the bugs if they are in one post :) My apologies.

Edited by BechMeister
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Oh god I didn't mean to call you out or anything, in fact I think it's better to have multiple  reports about this.  There's been shockingly little discussion over what seems like a significant issue in my eyes, so I wanted to know if it was just me going crazy or something.

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All good. :)

The fun thing is, i tried to replace the medium wing with the small.. and i had no issues, but they didn't generate enough lift? It didnt take off... even though i feel the wing area was the same...  So i put the medium back on again.. and sure enough the fell off as soon as the vehicle had loaded in.

I never tried with the large wing though. It is also interesting how as soon as i strutted it the vehicle would be totalled as soon as it loaded in. I tried to connect the struts to the small fuel tanks the engines were connected to, and the the fuselages.

Any way, i unfortunately didn't save the vehicle.. so i have not tried to replicate the error - i've been busy trying to make a space station.. but i keep throwing sticks in my own wheels x) probably doing all the rookie mistakes

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