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Map Window: Active vessel has no orbital path displayed

Angelo Kerman

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  • KSP Version:
  • Operating System and version: Windows 11
  • CPU and GPU models, any other system information which could be relevant: N/A
  • Description of the bug: Switching the active vessel when in map view causes the active vessel's orbital path to vanish despite being in a stable orbit. This situation persists even when the game is saved and KSP 2 is restarted. As a consequence it is impossible to plan any maneuver with the affected vessel.
    • Expected Behavior: When switching focus of the active vessel, the active vessel's orbital path is visible in the map view.
    • Observed Behavior: The orbital path isn't visible.
  • Steps to Replicate: Have two vessels in low orbit around the Mun. Focus on one of the vessels. In map view, switch to the other active vessel.
  • Fixes / Workarounds (if known..): N/A
  • A list of ALL mods.  If the list is long, please consider using a spoiler window.: N/A


As noted, this issue persists despite saving the game and restarting KSP 2. Attached are the files to recreate this issue.

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