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CW Aerospace presents... The Cygnus V

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Hey guys, CypherWraith again. From the twisted mind that brought you the Ozymandias, I now reveal the Cygnus!


Based on designs <strike>ripped from videogame concept art</strike> of countless1 engineers, the Cygnus represents the pinnacle of Kerbal transmunar technology2.

1Three dozen, give or take.

2Maybe not the pinnacle, but definitely in the top 200.

Earlier versions of the Cygnus produced mixed results. Versions I through IV demonstrated a remarkable capacity for flammability, even underwater. While this made for a great party trick, it accomplished little in the way of stellar transport. The project was almost scrapped when Isaac 'Weird Izzy' Kerman made the baffling suggestion to use something besides balsa wood and krazy glue for general construction. Remarkably, it worked, and the Cygnus V was born.

I've found that it achieves orbit incredibly quickly compared to my other stock ships. The small mass and quad thrusters make it fairly agile and maneuverable. Like the Ozymandias, it is completely stock save for the mechjeb. However, I'll be uploading both stock and mechjeb flavors here shortly.

A full album of pictures documenting a successful launch can be found Here. The non-mechjeb version will be up shortly.

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