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KTS-31 Delivers the Kubble Space Telescope into LKO!


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KTS-31 has delivered it's historic payload into LKO today! The Kubble Space Telescope will help map out the Kerbol system and investigate a nearby system that KASA Scientists have dubbed the "Deb Deb" system. Flight Engineers are currently working on deploying the payload. 

Final test flights for the Kubble Transportation System concluded last week. Here Kerbonaut Tim C. Kerman, legendary pilot and current Test Pilot for KASA, shows his skills in the final test flight of KTS before KTS-31.


Edited by cvusmo
Fix spelling errors in title
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9 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

Any landing you can stagger away from... 

Why did you come in perpendicular to the runway? 

I couldn't level out. I think if I burned retrograde on reentry and gotten my m/s to 100-200 I would've been able to glide it in. I've never made SSTO's or shuttles. This was my first true attempt at doing so. Lots I learned and still lots more to learn. 

Any suggestions on how to not come in perpendicular?

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5 minutes ago, Vanamonde said:

Naw, just giving you a hard time. :D 

Nice job on the mission. 

LUL this was the hardest mission I've done in a long time. I was not prepared for off centered center of thrust. Very weird flight mechanics. But it was actually fun. Thank you!

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