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Orbits of other vessels and objects gets distrupted when you time warp near them.


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Seeing as this rather game-breaking bug has persisted for the last couple of patches, I've recovered my old account to report it.


I was trying to rendezvous with another vessel in lko. The "default name - 8" part on a collision course with Kerbin was my booster stage. After decoupling from the booster, and setting up my encounter, I engaged time warp to speed up to my encounter. The booster stopped following the orbit where I had left it, and seemingly started traveling in a straight line until the distance between it and my vessel was above a certain distance, at which point the booster applied the current vector to it's new position, putting it on a collision course with kerbin.

I've had this happen during most of my missions involving multiple vessels. Making apollo-style missions, and motherships for ferrying landers around basically impossible, as the vessels just don't stay in the orbits where I leave them.

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