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Orbital lines disappears when the game thinks a vessel in flight is still landed.


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Trying to return from Dres.

After taking off from Dres with my lander, I noticed that the orbital lines was missing..


I managed to get into a stable orbit using the instrument readouts, but getting an encounter with my mothership without those lines is gonna be tricky.

Opening up the tracking station, my vessel is marked as landed on Dres, so the game somehow didn't notice that my vessel is no longer on the surface of Dres, which is probably why it isn't rendering the orbital paths.

And after trying to switch control back and forth between the mothership and the lander, velocity of the lander has been reset to 50m/s.. presumably because the game can't accept that a "landed" vessel is moving at orbital velocity, and is trying to compensate.

Edited by Anth12
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I had the same problem on Dres. Even after multiple take-offs it would not take my vehicle out of the "landed" state.

Fortunately the dV cost to change orbits is not huge at Dres, so I was still able to make rendezvous.

  1. Visually match your orientation with the target orbit.
  2. Get your Pe and Ap up close to target orbit.
  3. Time warp until you know you're about to be at your closest separation.
  4. Switch the speedometer over to Target mode.
  5. As you approach closest separation, you should see on the navwheel that the Antitarget marker is near the Retrograde marker. You want to make small adjustments to keep it there.
  6. Warp forward while repeating step 5 until you're within spitting distance.
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Same problem.

Game version 0.1.2

- Tried an Appollo style mission to Mun
- landed successfully with the lander
- after staging the ascent stage, no orbital trajectory is displayed (it shows an AP + PE readout and orbital velocity on the navball, but no map controls, no rendezvous markers)
- switching away from the vessel and back to the vessel resets it's orbital velocity to ZERO


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