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VAB Orientation Not Switching (Vert/Horiz)


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KSP Version: 0.1.2
Op System: Windows 11
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900x
GPU: MSI GeForce RTX 3080 Gaming Z Trio 12 GB
Bug description:

  • Expected: While in VAB, I expect the orientation button (vert/horiz) to change which direction I scroll while holding Mouse3 button
  • Observed:  I often get stuck in the horizontal orientation and am only able to scroll laterally using Mouse3, despite clicking the vertical orientation settings in VAB

Steps to Replicate: Build craft in horizontal orientation and try switching to vertical (i.e. attaching a plane to a rocket)
Fixes/Workarounds: Clicking parts w/ Mouse3 button to re-center camera on parts I need to look at
List of Mods:


SpaceDock + BepInEx
Micro Engineer
Lazy Orbit


Edited by Anth12
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