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Kerbal exiting rover seat appears underground, 11 km away


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At the Dres south pole anomaly, when exiting the rover seat in the picture below, the kerbal is put 11 km away from the rover, underground.


To replicate:

  • Download this save file bundle, unpack in your save directory and load it in KSP2.
  • Have Jeb go on EVA.
  • Note that Jeb appears underground, 11 km away from the rover.
  • Bonus: Reload and drive the rover into the anomaly and try to get to the center. Use the reaction wheel to roll the rover around over the terrain when getting stuck. During certain terrain collisions near the center's whacky terrain, the game will start hitching and freezing up.
    • Press action group 1 to toggle the reaction wheel to assist with turning and maintaining control. Status is indicated by the green LED strip on the back.
    • Accelerating is best done with the reaction wheel off.

Workaround: Don't exit the rover seat.

  • KSP Version:
  • Operating System and version: Windows 10
  • CPU and GPU: Ryzen 7 3700X, GeForce RTX 2080 Super 
  • Mods: none.
Edited by Lyneira
Add bonus bug replication step
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I have same problem on very high orbit of Dres. There is main ship with small lander module. When i EVA one of my crew, he appear on almost same orbit but, hunderts kilometers away from ship.  

  • KSP Version:
  • Operating System and version: Windows 10
  • CPU and GPU: Ryzen 7 5800X, GeForce RTX 3080
  • Mods: none.
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