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All Symmetry is Removed on Docking for the First Time


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KSP2 Version:
KSP2 Version:
KSP2 Version:
Operating System: Windows 10
CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB
Mods Used: None

Two Confirmations Below:

  • Video Evidence and Replication Steps.
  • Save Files Before and After using a Text Editor.

Video Evidence and Replication Steps: 


Things of Note in the video below:

  • The craft was docked in the VAB and symmetry is maintained from the VAB to the Launchpad and to space after stage separation.
  • After the pod craft is undocked from the other craft and redocked all symmetry of all parts on both crafts is removed.

Video Evidence is really to show how to replicate the bug, but the action groups working correctly before and not correctly after confirms the issue:
https://youtu.be/XdSiAlkeByg (Time Stamped for 19 seconds for Replication Steps. 46 Seconds in total)

Steps for Replication:

  1. Load CraftInSymmetryTestSave (attached below)
  2. Undock
  3. Turn on RCS wait to get away far enough for magnets to work again
  4. RCS forward
  5. Dock

Confirming Via Opening the save files Via a Text Editor:


Symmetry Established in the VAB and Maintained After Launch and Stage Separation:

  1. Open CraftInSymmetryTestSave.json in a text editor (link below)
  2. Search For the Following: "SymmetryType": "Radial"

Note how it finds 10 lines for the beginning of symmetry related information.

Symmetry Still maintained after undocking:

  1. Open CraftsUndockedSymmetryTestSave.json in a text editor (link below)
  2. Search For the Following: "SymmetryType": "Radial"

Note how it finds 10 lines for the beginning of symmetry related information.

Symmetry Completely Removed After Redocking:

  1. Open CraftAfterSymmetryLostTestSave.json in a text editor (link below)
  2. Search For the Following: "SymmetryType": "Radial"

Note it finds no lines for symmetry at all.

 Save Files:

Additional Information: + Using the save file that I made in have the same issue. 
If save compatibility is still good between versions this started in

Edited by Anth12
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