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A Deep Space Pebble love story...


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Today, our 2 brave kerbonauts Bob'nd Bill (I like how that sounds :D), performed their first rendez-vous with a class-A D.S.P. (Deep Space Pebble).


Mission control said to be very careful and respect to the letter interstellar security protocoles about such things as "contamination", "radiation", "collision", "death", and certainly not
attempt any EVA activities.

Bob took good notes of that, and consequently proceeded to immediatly venture into space,  incapable he was resisting the scientific appeal of the Deep Space Pebble...

And Bill even managed to take a nice shot of Bob, the spacecraft, the pebble, Kerbin and even the Mun in the background ! Sure it'll be on the tomorow's Kerbal Space Gazette front page !

Indeed Bill noticed Bob was starting to get greener and to glow slightly, as he stayed near the asteroid.  Also he observed that after Bob took a sample from its surface and tasted it (for
scientific motivations of course), his eyes were eventually widening open with a constant big smiling face. He tought this wasn't safe, but said nothing since he never saw Bob so fulfilled.


They were 4 hours from kerbin reentry, and sadly they didn't have any means of saving the Rock from colliding into Kerbin's atmosphere, which made Bob feel very sad, as he already  
sensed that a certain mutual relationship started growing between him and his beloved space dust aggregate.  


And so it all ended in fire.
the Deep Space Pebble was absorbed by Kerbin. And Bob, desperate, jealously kept his unique sample jar for himself. He would never tell to the R&D guys. ;.;
But the next day, he noticed the air "tasted" different... And indeed all the kerbals of Kerbin displayed a slight and constant smile, on their slightly greener faces... His pebble was in the air,
everywhere and forever. Bob was feeling better. :) 

Later the same day, Mission Control made an announcement :
"D.S.P. of class I - Gargantuan class - spotted 354 Mm of Kerbin, ETA in Kerbin's SOI 15 days, start preparing for rendez-vous and redirect mission procedure."
Bob's heart started pounding...


Edited by kurgut
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