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Precision Control (Caps Lock) Isn't Resetting (Turning off) When Changing to the KSC Screen or When Changing Scenes or Going to the VAB etc.


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KSP2 Version:
Operating System: Windows 10
CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB
Mods Used: None

Video Evidence:
https://youtu.be/myDyXQTDlJU (23 Seconds)

Steps to Replicate:

  1. Load PrecisionControlSChangeTester
  2. Press 1 to undock
  3. Press R and then T
  4. Test to see that Precision Control is off
  5. Use the Caps Lock key
  6. Test to make sure that Precision Control is on
  7. Go to KSC Screen
  8. Go to Tracking Station
  9. Change to TestCraft2
  10. Press 1 to undock
  11. Press R and then T
  12. Test to see that Precision Control is still on.

Save File From Video:

Additional Information:
It does reset if going back to the Main Menu.

Can the Caps Lock key be turned on/off via an application or operating system?

Edited by Anth12
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