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Going from a Scene that Used Capture Mode and then Going to the KSC Screen Causes the Camera to be looking in the wrong direction.


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KSP2 Version:
Operating System: Windows 10
CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB
Mods Used: None

How to Test:

  1. Launch a craft from the VAB or load a craft in scene.
  2. Change to Capture Mode
  3. Move Camera in some way
  4. Go to the KSC Screen

Things to Note:

  • Sometimes the incorrect KSC Screen perspective will persist.
  • Sometimes it will face in a different direction but then the camera will attempt to reset to the default KSC perspective a moment later. Sometimes its successful. Sometimes it isn't.
  • At least once the KSC Screen inherited the Capture Mode's Speed.

Screenshot of One that Persisted:

Edited by Anth12
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