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Crafts are being teleported into the Sun/Planets via Acceleration Under Timewarp.


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KSP2 Version:
KSP2 Version:
KSP2 Version:
Operating System: Windows 10
CPU+GPU+RAM: i9 9900K+3070ti+32GB
Mods Used: None

Regression because and do not do the teleport at all.

Crafts are being teleported into the parent bodies or outside the Kerbol system if the following happens:

  1. The EC is 0 or possibly a chunk (instead of it being gradual) of EC is taken that brings it under zero
  2. The engines are firing.
  3. Timewarp is 100000x is repeatedly turned off and on.

Teleport to Inside Sun via Solar Orbit:


Video Evidence:
https://youtu.be/zOPbzwH2hoE (11 Seconds)

Steps to Replicate:

  1. Full Throttle and place the mouse pointer over the top of 100,000x Timewarp
  2. Move left hand to / on the keyboard
  3. click on 100,000x Timewarp and then press /
  4. click on 100,000x Timewarp and then press /
  5. Do this until the bug occurs
  6. Go to Map view and Zoom out until the Sun is seen.

Save File:
Log Files:

Note sometimes this can teleport outside of the Kerbol system instead.

Teleport to outside Kerbol System via Kerbin Orbit:


Important Note: Because of the 100x restriction of timewarp in orbit I turned this restriction off in the PhysicsSettings.json config file and have had it turned off since the release of the game.

Video Evidence:
https://youtu.be/Ashd_GZstn4 (15 Seconds)

Steps to Replicate:

  1. Full Throttle and place the mouse pointer over the top of 100,000x Timewarp
  2. Move left hand to / on the keyboard
  3. click on 100,000x Timewarp and then press /
  4. click on 100,000x Timewarp and then press /
  5. Do this until the bug occurs
  6. Go to Map view and Zoom out until the Kerbol system is seen (if you are lucky)

Craft File:
Log Files:

Note sometimes this can teleport to the center of Kerbin instead.

Additional Information:
This was brought to my attention by The Space Peacock on the Intercept Games Discord and we worked together to come to these conclusions.
Only Tested for Kerbin and Solar Orbit.
I used skogs craft file who posted the initial bug report I found which uses a spark because at first we thought it was related to an ion engine issue. I will decide to merge the two when Dakota is back from the weekend.

skogs's Bug Report:


Edited by Anth12
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