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to Tylo and Back without Patched Conics and Maneuver Nodes - KSP STOCK


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Hi !

I had lot of fun completing this challenge, from KSP/discord, "Patched nonics".

Rules were :


Land and return from [x body] without using patched conics display, maneuver nodes, or informational mods like Kerbal Engineer.
Patched conics display and maneuver nodes are not allowed
You must be in career mode with a level one tracking station (This disables patched conics display and maneuver nodes)
You may use the cheat menu to get funds, science, and experience to level up the rest of the KSC, build your craft, and assemble your crew
No further usage of the cheat menu is allowed after launching your craft
You may not use Kerbal Engineer or other mods like it to gain information
All default challenge rules apply


This was really interesting and challenging to do ! I reminded me a bit the feeling of my first days in KSP, a whiiiile ago, when I was just firing engines cluelessly in deepspace :) 



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