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Lazy Orbit Boosted [0.5.3]


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As orbits are not yet stable, they do occasionally need to be boosted... This is one such example. This mod picks up where Lazy Orbit left off, by updating it to be compatible with the latest version of the game (0.1.3) and SpaceWarp (1.3.0). At this point, the only change is just to make it compatible with the current game and mod loader. If there are new features you'd like to see, or if you find issues with it, please post in this thread and I will work to address them.


What does this mod do?

Lazy Orbit is a simple mod that allows you to set a vessel's orbit, land it on a surface, or teleport it to another vessel via a simple GUI. Open the GUI by clicking the button in the app bar (or press ALT+H), select a body and an altitude, and press Set Orbit. Great for testing and modding, don't use it for anything nefarious!


- Space Warp + BepInEx via SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3277/Space%20Warp%20+%20BepInEx


  1. Install BepInEx/SpaceWarp. (Skip if you've done this previously)
    1. Download and extract BepInEx/SpaceWarp into your game folder. If you've installed the game via Steam, then this is probably here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2.
    2. Launch the game to ensure BepInEx/SpaceWarp has configured correctly and you're ready to install mods
  2. Download and extract Lazy Orbit Boosted into your game's BepInEx/plugins folder.
    1. The mod's ZIP file contains a single BepInEx folder. You can drag the BepInEx folder from the ZIP right onto your KSP2 folder (e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program 2) to install the mod.
    2. Alternatively, you may install the mod via CKAN
    3. If done correctly, you should have the following folder structure within your KSP2 game folder: KSP2GameFolder/BepInEx/plugins/LazyOrbit.


  • Do not use this mod when preparing bug reports for the Early Access game as teleporting craft is incompatible with this purpose.
  • It is advisable to perform a Quick Save (F5) prior to teleporting any vessel as teleporting will void the warranty and may damage your craft. Not kidding here, it may do damage to your craft.


  • Simple Mode: Set the Altitude you want, pick the Body you'd like to be in orbit about and press the Set Orbit button! What could possibly be simpler?
  • Advanced Mode: Pick the Body you want to be in orbit about, then configure specific parameters you want to get the exact orbit you need. Set your Semi-Major Axis and see what you'll get for Ap and Pe. Set your InclinationEccentricity, Longitude of Ascending Node, and Argument of Periapsis. With these configured, press the Set Orbit button and before you know it you'll be in the exact orbit you want!
  • Landing Mode: Here you can set the LattitudeLongitude, and Height above ground level for the point you'd like to have your craft dropped at on the Body you've selected. Be sure to have landing legs and/or parachutes ready, or this might be a bumpy ride!
  • Rendezvous Mode: Set the Distance (in meters) you'd like to be from a Target you can pick from the dropdown menu, then just press the Rendezvous button and you'll be there in a flash!

In all modes, clicking inside a text entry field will automatically disable game input from the keyboard and mouse. This allows you to type what you need to without inadvertently affecting the timewarp or muting the game or music. Your current Game Input state is displayed on the bottom of the GUI and will be bright Yellow when game input is disabled. Game input from your keyboard and mouse is automatically restored when you click anywhere outside a text input field, or if you should close the mod. In the image below note that Game Input is shown as Disabled.



All the text input fields in this mod's GUI are designed for entering numbers. If you should accidentally type something that can't be converted to a number (e.g., include non-numeric characters or too many decimal points, etc.) the mod will alert you by setting that field to red as shown above.



SpaceDock: https://spacedock.info/mod/3410/Lazy Orbit Boosted
Github: https://github.com/schlosrat/LazyOrbit/releases




The complete source for Lazy Orbit is available on Github:


Lazy Orbit is distributed under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license. Read about the license here before redistributing :

Edited by schlosrat
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Set your Semi-Major Axis and see what you'll get for Ap and Pe. Set your InclinationEccentricity, Longitude of Ascending Node, and Argument of Periapsis. With these configured, press the Set Orbit button and before you know it you'll be in the exact orbit you want!

Can we explain these terms like I'm 5?

I'm trying to figure out if this tool is helpful for fixing my triangle orbits for my commnet, many of my satellites have fallen out of formation because KSP2 is not very precise at high orbit, then there are floating point errors. So I was hoping to go edit the values for these in my save file, but I don't know how to set these values correctly or to get my relay formations at phased angles 120 degrees apart from one another in the same orbits. Thanks 

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