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Kerbal deaths


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fast-forwarding during 70,000 m - 50,000 m during re-entry made my parachute magically disappear a millisecond after it deployed... there were no survivors.

I actually survived that by using my ship ejection system, which had a backup chute. Luckily for the pilot I had just started a new save and was on a safety kick.

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I actually survived that by using my ship ejection system, which had a backup chute. Luckily for the pilot I had just started a new save and was on a safety kick.

but you see, that would result in billions of Keuros being wasted, as the rest of the ship would explodify. since there seems to be an inexhaustible supply of re-spawning kerbonauts. ;)

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i renamed the kerbals after me and my friends. my first 0.16 moon landing and my friend's kerbal went on eva i had never went on eva a before and i flew around ,then back to the rocket,my rocket had a planes tail on the top for fun,and i crashed into the top of the rocket,killing my friend and knocking the rocket over,the other two kerbals set up the first sideways moonbase

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fast-forwarding during 70,000 m - 50,000 m during re-entry made my parachute magically disappear a millisecond after it deployed... there were no survivors.

its a bug because parachutes disappear when there speed is zero and timewarp freezes time when you drop out of it,this means the prachute is at zero metres a second and de-activates

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Not to be spamming my youtube vids but on my way back from the mun i decided to fast forward to save a bit of time. Well it didnt auto slow down and while i was in the map veiw my kerbal slammed into the side of the planet and the camera went all wonky.


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last kerbal i lost was an aerobrake mess up over eve, poor guy didnt even have a parachute on his pod

for every kerbal i kill i send an unmanned pod out of the solar system as a sort of space burial

time consuming yes but i think if im killing so many then i owe them atleast that

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One the way back from my 1st ever return trip from Mun I learnt a very valuable lesson...


On why there are only 3 in the pod - I had a bit of a feeling something like this might happen, so to prevent a total loss I left the 3rd guy safely on Mun :D

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Bob went for an EVA whilst in a sub-orbital trajectory around duna, but after forgetting to pause the game when I went to make some tea. I came back and he had drifted Kilometers away and was bound for the surface. I could not find my craft in time to save him.

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I had once landed on Duna with my 3 meter rocket. I then started to EVA all the Kerbals for an awesome mission picture, the third guy got out, let go, hit the fuel tank at ~3m/sec and somehow died instantly. I guess the Spacecraft mesh glitched.

Got the other two back in, though.

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