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Lights turn on and off in the VAB, but in flight mode they don't work. Help? 1.8.1

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So i'm having this issue that i am stumped and completely clueless on how to fix. I have this issue where lights turn on and off in the VAB or SPH while building. Cool, ok. Issue is when i click launch and go to flight mode, the lights are on by default, but once i turn them off they are off permanently. Spamming the light button does nothing, right clicking and pressing turn lights on does nothing, EVA and do it with a kerbal, still nothing. I have plenty of electricity, so it's not that. IVA screens still work, lights on cockpits and other modules still work and shine on other things like a space station or whatnot. It's only the lights themselves that have this issue and it has my confused to no end. Any help and i'd love you forever.
It's on KSP 1.8.1, i stay on this older version cause alot of the mods i love that are working on here aren't supported/don't work on later versions.

My KSP log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jg13ygtp3wuk5q1/KSP.log?dl=0



7 hours ago, Alpha_Gametauri said:

So i'm having this issue that i am stumped and completely clueless on how to fix. I have this issue where lights turn on and off in the VAB or SPH while building. Cool, ok. Issue is when i click launch and go to flight mode, the lights are on by default, but once i turn them off they are off permanently. Spamming the light button does nothing, right clicking and pressing turn lights on does nothing, EVA and do it with a kerbal, still nothing. I have plenty of electricity, so it's not that. IVA screens still work, lights on cockpits and other modules still work and shine on other things like a space station or whatnot. It's only the lights themselves that have this issue and it has my confused to no end. Any help and i'd love you forever.
It's on KSP 1.8.1, i stay on this older version cause alot of the mods i love that are working on here aren't supported/don't work on later versions.

My KSP log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jg13ygtp3wuk5q1/KSP.log?dl=0



My Gamedata folder, my dropbox is full and already used up my other emails on it.

Edited by Alpha_Gametauri
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