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The Next Giant Leap: Footsteps on Mars

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July 20th, 2029

For 7 years now, the Artemis Program has been going strong. Artemis Base Camp has been set up, the Lunar Gateway has grown considerably, and several more countries have joined the Artemis Program. Including China! This why today, on the 60th anniversary of the Moon Landing, NASA announced something ground breaking- the first mission to Mars. The media is unable to talk about anything else. The technology is proven, international relations are good, and the support is strong. It's time for humanity to make the next giant leap.


Artemis 13 on the launchpad, a few weeks from launch.


People have done recreations of humans on Mars in the 1980s, people have done recreations of the Constellation program. But I'm doing an idea of what could be. Provided the Artemis Program goes well with 2 launches per year, and the U.S. and China get over their pointless quarrels, this is a future that can be! Expect the first post either tomorrow or a couple days from now, I need to smooth out a couple bumps with the SLS.

Inspired by these threads:

One Giant Leap | An Alternate History of Space Exploration by @track

The Hyperion Program: Kerbalkind's Return to Space - It's Back (Again)! by @Autochrome

Kānāwai: Ares to Mars by @Jay The Amazing Toaster

The Integrated Program Plan | A reconstruction of NASA's follow up to the Apollo program from 1969 by @Beccab

Edited by Kerbalsaurus
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August 17TH, 2029 - Artemis 13


Today is the launch of a very special Artemis mission. The first inhabitants of Artemis Base Camp! For the past 2 years the base has been under construction. On board, the crew will have some food prepared ahead of time in small pouches, but also they will try something else: growing plants on the Moon! This would provide the crew with extremely fresh food, healthy options, and boost morale. After all, if I had to pick between eating gray mush and eating celery, I'd probably pick celery.

As the Afternoon Sun beats down upon the Florida coast, the countdown reaches T- 1 minute. The crew for this mission are two American astronauts, Adrian Harrison and Callista Christianson, one Canadian astronaut, Grover Warwick, and one European astronaut, Alexis Lestrange. T- 10, 9, 8, 7, 6...


...ignition sequence start, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, Liftoff!


Artemis 13 continues high into the sky.

After approximately 8 minutes in flight, the core stage is separated, and the Exploration Upper Stage (EUS) puts Artemis 13 into a parking orbit.



The solar panels are deployed, comms systems are checked, propulsion systems are checked, gimbal is checked, and all other important systems. Everything is good, and the crew are given the all powerful words "Go for TLI!".


The one RL10C-3 roars to life, and the crew begin the three day journey to the Moon.



August 20th, 2029 - Crew Arrival


After 3 days in space, Artemis 13 finally arrive at their destination: the Moon. Once in orbit, Artemis 13 will prepare to arrive at the Lunar Gateway, where they will spend one month before heading down to the base.



Just a few hours later, Artemis 13 makes it to the Lunar Gateway! However, the crew have another important job. While on board the station, the crew will begin preparations for the docking of the Mars transfer habitat. This is quite an important job. While they won't be here for the docking, it's important everything is set up so that when the docking team do finally arrive, they will have everything in place for them. We will now log off, and wish the crew the best of luck on their mission.


The crew go for an EVA inspection of the station.

Writer's note: I will be on vacation for the next week, so this thread will not be updated for a little while. Until next time everyone!

Edited by Kerbalsaurus
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