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Everything posted by Kerbalsaurus

  1. Alright, after some time to think, I've come across some conclusions, and some questions to ask you. A conclusion I've come to is that stopping activity and decreasing traffic to website that MIGHT die is not the solution, as it's only adding to the problem. Therefore, I kind of want to continue this mission report. However, I've started to sort of feel unhappy with the story of Beyond. The more I think about it, the less enthusiastic I feel about the thread. I've had ideas of re-creating it, this time with a more in-depth story into how Beyond came to be, and involving the world it exists in more into the story. In other words, should I reboot Beyond? I'll leave a poll.
  2. I think you should use Lockheed Martin. I like the use of all these concept launch vehicles.
  3. Awesome to see one of my favorite mission reports return! However, one question, what is Jeb the first Kerbal to?
  4. 1/10 One interaction in the GNW, other than that new user never seen before.
  5. I have been searching and searching for a long time for a KSP Discord, but have only found the Subreddit Discord (bleh), Dev Discord (redundant now), and various YouTubers’ Discord servers. Is there an official one that I’m just missing?
  6. Not at the moment, but I might back it up to a Google Doc. Why do you ask?
  7. People across the forums are talking of Forum Armageddon, so I guess it's my turn. Beyond, being on the KSP Forums, is definitely going down with it. And since the only median to share the save with might soon be gone, there's really no more point in making more of this thread. That, and lack of motivation has stifled its development. My install's been giving me trouble, I'm tired of having to do the same mission over and over because the game keeps crashing, and other games have really been pulling my interest away from KSP. Is Beyond cancelled? Well, that's a solid maybe. I'd hate to end it on such a cliffhanger. We haven't even built a Mun base yet! Maybe there might be another update, but with how bleak things look right now, it might be over.
  8. I'm sad to see probably my favorite mission report go, but I'm excited for the new one to come out! And take all the time you need to work on the new report and get into it. After all, it's not fun to read a mission report that the writer's not into. Thank you for the awesome report, TwoCal!
  9. NOVA 5 RETURN - YEAR 4, DAY 81 CREW: Marsha Kerman MISSION OBJECTIVE: Return Marsha Kerman home from Kerman Station LAUNCH VEHICLE: N/A "Nova 5 has successfully undocked from Kerman Station." - Gene Kerman (CAPCOM) After a happy 10 days aboard Kerman Station, it's sadly time for Marsha to return home. She says that this was perhaps the most stunning vacation she's ever been on. "The Celestial Lounge was perhaps the most stunning thing I've ever seen!" Marsha stated. "I spent most of my time there, gawking for hours as cities and oceans passed beneath me! Food could've been better though. 8/10, would recommend!" "Chutes deployed!" - Gene Kerman "Successful splashdown confirmed." - Gene Kerman Another mission complete! Marsha came back successfully, and Beyond gets a huge amount of money from her. However, many in the public are starting to become concerned with Beyond's goals. Many now question if it's still about the exploration of space for all of Kerbalkind, or just simply another one of the UKA's ways to get a quick buck. With partnership after partnership and hardly any steps taken towards heading back to deep space, opinion of Beyond is starting to wane. Maybe it's time to reconsider some things... *** I apologize for the once again very short chapter. I've just been feeling unmotivated recently. KSP still isn't capturing my interest that much, with the install troubles and all, and also it's been hard to get inspiration to write. I hope ya'll understand.
  10. I've been playing a LOT of Cities: Skylines recently. Working on brand new realistic city with a not so brand new name. I also found some good rowhome assets, so, although tedious to place down by themselves, I do have a realistic rowhome sprawl that one sees on the east coast.
  11. To be fair, most of the people who watch Bluey and the show’s prime audience is children. I think man’s (or in this case canine’s) conquest of the red planet flies quite far over their head.
  12. Yeah, I’m just too lazy to keep writing CKR right now. I won’t make an excuse, I have nothing to hide.
  13. I apologize for the very slow update rate right now, my install's been giving me trouble lately. I might need to purge some mods.
  14. YEAR 2, DAY 69 - Dzhebediya Kerman, first Kerbal to set foot on the Mun aboard the Druzhba 7 mission
  15. You said it. Writing and summarizing a mission is surprising difficult, especially when it’s hard to get an idea of what your audience is thinking.
  16. Here’s drawing of the Philadelphia skyline I spent quite a few days making. This is an actual place in Philly too, I literally just zoomed in on some random spot on Google Earth, and then just copied it down.
  17. Moar boosters! But in all seriousness, couldn’t you possibly establish a new colony on Laythe? Sure, it’s far and expensive, but it may pay out in the long run. If you have OPM, Laythe maybe also be a good staging point for missions to Sarnus and beyond.
  18. That is an awesome plane! We at Beyond are ecstatic to see this in flight for the first time, and the pilots in the astronaut complex are abuzz with talk of this plane. Many have started arguing over who will fly it first. We have plans to continue flying the Talon as well, and maybe even add some of own modifications to the plane. Thank you to CalSpace for this amazing plane, and thank you to CalSpace for continuing to work with Beyond!
  19. KIWISAT-G4 - YEAR 4, DAY 77 MISSION OBJECTIVE: Launch the Kiwisat-G spacecraft into a Keosynchronus orbit for a private customer. LAUNCH VEHICLE: Apteryx-9B "All systems GO for launch on the Apteryx-9B." - Kraft Kerman (Flight Director) We return to LC-41 for yet another Apteryx-9B launch, one of the most reliant rockets in Beyond's arsenal. On board is Kiwisat-G4, a keosynchronus satellite that private customers can buy out. This launch will be just like all the others, the rocket will go up and deliver its payload. I really don't have anything else to say but this. "And we have liftoff on the Apteryx-9B, carrying Kiwisat-G4." - Kraft Kerman "Successful stage 2 separation confirmed." - Silverstein Kerman (BOOSTER) "Copy that BOOSTER, we are go for LV-909 startup." - Chris Kerman (ENGINE) "Kiwisat-G4 orbital entry is established." - Kraft Kerman Kiwisat-G4 makes its way to Keosynchronus orbit. "Kiwisat-G4 has reached its target orbit, handing control of the satellite over to customer. Another successful launch everyone!" - Kraft Kerman Stage 2 burning up on re-entry.
  20. In counting *** I'm sure you're all sick of it by now, but here we go! More of Bruvell! Actually, only two pictures. I'd rather actually get to work on the comic it was made for. I took @SunlitZelkova's artistic and architectural advice, and redesigned Bruvell Central Station, now named Bruvell Union Station. It's inspired by Pittsburgh Union Station and Hartford Union Station, as well as, um..., the base game train station asset from Cities: Skylines 2. Cragged, vandalized, and riddled with garbage, this certainly isn't exactly what you'd expect to be the main hub of one of America's most efficient public transport service. What public transport service? Bruvell Regional Transport of course! What, you think Amtrak would base itself in this dump? Built during the turn of the century in the 1910s, this station was once a glimmering beacon of America's rail age and the golden days of Bruvell. Now it's an echo of those long gone golden days, a reminder of what this city once was, and what it has unfortunately become. And on a less dark note, late night deliveries!
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